This is an interesting read, as it sorts fact from fiction about the hunt for Bin Laden. It's titled The Doctor, the CIA, and the Bl...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
This is an interesting read, as it sorts fact from fiction about the hunt for Bin Laden. It's titled The Doctor, the CIA, and the Bl...
Glenn Greenwald has written a sobering piece today explaining the facts about why so many nations, particularly Muslim ones, harbor suc...
The World Bank issued a paper a few days ago titled Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must Be Avoided. The report “spells out...
In August of this year it was reported that 20 year old college student Ronald Weekley was skateboarding outside of his home when several po...
When I was in elementary school I was in the Cub Scouts. After about a year I got bored with it and quit, but I did have many good time...
It's been a long time coming but the U.N. might finally recognize Palestine as a state. This isn't acceptable to Israel or the ...
This is a very interesting talk by cosmologist Sean Carroll.
Courtesy of Glenn Greenwald are two pictures that perfectly sum up the recent attacks by Israel upon Gaza.
Glenn Greenwald has written a very good piece about the recent attacks upon the Gaza strip by Israeli forces. It mainly focuses on the US...
According to a recent Wired article, Google has released “stats showing a rise in the number of U.S. government requests for data on Gmail...
Glenn Greenwald has written a very good article about the sex scandal involving General David Petraeus. He explains how this massive su...
Well, Barack Obama won a victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney yesterday. I do not vote, but if I had, I thought a lot about wh...
The Untold History of the United States. This is the title to the new 615 page book (not including notes, credits, and index) and the soon t...
This first video is of an event that occurred in Australia in October. Twenty-one year old Laudisio Curti, a Brazilian student who was s...
Here is an interesting video I found featuring Sheldon Richman, editor of The Freeman.
From Democracy Now: In the week when President Obama and Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney debated issues of foreign policy and...
The Washington Post has written a piece outlining the Obama Administration’s normalizing and further legalizing his unconstitutional “ki...
Mitt Romney’s opposition to the auto bailout has haunted him on the campaign trail, especially in Rust Belt states like Ohio. There, in Se...
It's a common criticism of the “free market” that such a market is “unregulated,” thus, is chaotic. However, this is a complete mis...
Last month I wrote a piece about the terrorist actions of the U.S. government. Today I found a piece written by Glenn Greenwald discussi...
Earlier this year Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the peace activist group called Code Pink, gave a talk about the U.S. government's ...
I've given a few interviews over the years. Some of them have even been with hostile interviewers which seemed to turn a bit into a...
Today is Columbus Day. A day that has become a national holiday. Even though it's somewhat well known what Christopher Columbus did to t...
I am a voracious reader. With nearly 1,000 books in my personal library I almost always have something to read. On my lazy days it'...
For those who are unaware Skeptic Blogs has morphed into Skeptic Ink Network (SIN). All the same great content and the same great write...
In this month's Lucifer Effect I have some very egregious examples of police misconduct and brutality. First up is a video of a cop...
Every once in a while I learn new information which causes me to go back and revise an older post. This just recently happened with my ...
Glenn Greenwald has posted a frightening story today. Apparently, WikiLeaks and Julian Assange have been deemed “enemies of the state.”...
This weekend Bill Moyers' new documentary will be aired. However, Democracy Now was privileged to broadcast it first. And for those...
Related to my recent post about U.S. terrorism, a new report has been put out by researchers at NYU School of Law and Stanford Universi...
Glenn Greenwald has written a good piece about the CNN documentary called “iRevolution,” which is about the Arab Spring. CNN International r...
Lysander Spooner was an individualist anarchist, a lawyer, an abolitionist, and an entrepreneur in the 19th Century. He is my favorite ...
In the comment section of my post My Deconversion: From Statist to Anarchist I had an interesting conversation with a socialist who went...
While I do not care for the concept of voting, since it represents a form of coercion, I've highlighted this issue on my blog in th...
Introduction I am well aware that this post will be viewed as inflammatory, and seen as (statist) heresy, but I am confidant that once ...
In this first video that takes place in New York a cop stops an African-American teenager and forces him to submit to the unconstitutio...
I've recently been reading a few books about the Arab-Israeli conflict. For a few years I've heard about it on the news but had nev...
For those who are unaware, there is a rift between the various groups of anarchists, particularly those who believe that capitalism is a...
Glenn Greenwald has written an excellent article about peoples' tendency to acquiesce to authority figures, particularly those who ...
I came across this excellent video that discusses the logical conclusion of the Christian doctrine of salvation, which is a moral catas...
Introduction The word faith has always been a word in popular culture that has been defined as a “belief that does not rest on logical proof...
UPDATE – 10-4-12: Skeptic Blogs has since been re-branded as Skeptic Ink! We still have all the same great content and the same great write...
Chris Rodda has written a few updates about the shenanigans with David Barton's mouthpiece Rick Green. Green has finally addressed ...
At Chris Rodda's blog today she accepted Rick Green's challenge to point out specific errors in David Barton's latest book,...
An explosive (but not surprising) piece on the Huffington Post links presidential candidate Mitt Romney to families who had a hand in t...
It should be no surprise to anyone that the current “justice” system is a broken mess. I've written about this serious issue a few years...
This is the second in a two part Lucifer Effect special edition which features cases of police brutality in Arizona. For this first video, Y...
Thanks to John Loftus at Debunking Christianity for the following Discussion Flowchart! This is how all debates ought to be conducted ...
I apologize to my readers for bringing up this individual but I couldn't help it. I debated back and forth with myself on whether or n...
According to Democracy Now, Police in the California city of Anaheim are facing allegations of murder and brutality after fatally shooting ...
Here is an excellent article by Glenn Greenwald about Obama and his attempts to close the infamous Guantanamo Bay detention center. It...
On June 28th 2012 police shot a “mentally distraught man” named Kyle Miller who police say was waving a gun around. However, Miller'...
Some critics of anarchism take the following line of argument. They argue that if anarchism was a viable form of organization we would see d...
Here is a joke about government for science lovers: Lawrence Livermore Laboratories has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science...
In April of 2009 I entered a discussion in progress between a few atheists who frequented the Customer Discussion forums and...
In The Nation Clara Gutteridge has written a piece titled ”How the US Rendered, Tortured and Discarded One Innocent Man”. It is about h...
I've been reading a book titled Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power, by Jesse L. Byock. It's about the 300 year-long anarchy...
This is a special edition of The Lucifer Effect. This month and the next I will put up videos featuring cases of police misconduct and/or br...
I found this very good video presentation about anarchism by economist Peter Leeson. I'd also recommend his paper titled Anarchy Unbound...
Here is another selection of pictures I liked on statism. The picture to the left in case it's not readable for you says: “Go to work. G...
It's been reported by Public Citizen that a new so-called “trade agreement” would undermine the laws and courts of various countries and...
Below are a few pictures that don't need captions. As they say, a picture says a thousand words and each of them is instructive in the w...
I happened to come across an interesting video that in many ways mirrors my views about the similarities between theism and statism. A few y...
Despite Barack Obama allegedly being a “liberal” and George W. Bush a “republican” many have noted the vast similarities between their milit...
This first video depicts a cop who chokes a teenager for getting a little mouthy with him. Talk about a fragile ego! (What is it with cops a...
I know what you're saying: “What else is new!?” The media has almost always willingly spread government propaganda and supported the par...
Introduction The original idea for this post was going to be about how, in recent years, the government has steadily been creeping towards t...
It's been reported by Glenn Greenwald that, while the Obama Administration attempts to prosecute whistle-blowers who report on classifie...
The following is excerpted from Rothbard's larger work The Ethics of Liberty. A MAJOR PROBLEM WITH discussions of the necessity of gover...
A perfect illustration of the absurdity of this argument. Related Posts: Why I Do Not Support the Troops
Over at the blog Why Evolution is True Jerry Coyne has linked to a vast collection of videos about evolution, creationism, science, and crit...
In Glenn Greenwald's article today he writes about the Obama administration's attempts to get internet service providers to give the...
This first video depicts a cop who puts his gun to an innocent woman's head for apparently no reason at all. The news reporter explains...
A few days ago I decided to re-read my friend Bob Clapp's book, Every Man and Woman an Island: The Individual Human Being as Prime in th...
Someone named “Emanuel Goldstein” left a few idiotic comments and stupid smears on my blog, which I deleted. After doing a web search of the...
On MSNBC I read the other day that the Vatican sent a very distressing letter to a group of Catholic nuns scolding them for “spending too mu...
I've decided to create a new section located on the side of my blog. It's called “The David Marshall Nexus.” Due to David Marshall...
An interesting piece by Glenn Greenwald was published today. It can be read here. He relates the fact that high ranking Obama administration...
I'm finally saying goodbye to I've deleted all my reviews and have deleted the content from my Amazon Profile. I will pr...
Below is a chilling exposé about how the NSA is gathering data from and about everyone in the U.S. Everything from telephone calls, emails, ...
I was sent a new video by YouTuber The Religious Antagonist. This was a pretty funny video. I especially liked his mocking of the uproar a w...
I've gotten quite a number of kudos on my review of David Marshall's 2007 book The Truth Behind the New Atheism. Here is some of the...
In 2009 I decided to comment on a discussion about the role of Christianity in abolishing slavery. My main opponents were David Marshall and...
The creators of the following diagram asked if I'd like to post this. It looks to be very informative. Source: Frugal Dad
I was contacted by the creator of the following diagram illustrating the immense amount of government waste that is the TSA (Transportation ...
If being being virtually strip searched before boarding your flight, or if being killed over constitutionally protected speech, or if cops m...
The Lucifer Effect is back! I failed to post one last month but I am starting them back up again. This first video was shot on January 28, 2...
For long time readers of my blog perhaps some of you will remember an earlier book review I had originally written in July of 2008 named The...
In the comments section of my refutation of William Lane Craig's arguments for god a theist objects to my arguments and makes a rather p...
In April to June of 2010 I had a discussion with David Marshall on While Marshall was not as vile as he has been during other di...
While watching Democracy Now I learned about a story that really upset me. I have no words to express my sorrow and empathy for Kenneth Cham...
Today on MSNBC they played video taken by police station surveillance cameras after arresting George Zimmerman after he shot and killed Tray...
An article at by Glenn Greenwald reproduces two articles by Jeremiah Goulka, who exposes the facts that several “Washington offici...
I first heard about the following allegations the day I posted my thoughts on Trayvon Martin's murder. Several news outlets are reportin...
Update – 4-2-12: It's come to light that the screams for help were not those of Zimmerman's as the police claimed in the story below...
I've been considering writing a series about evolution. I reconsidered doing this, however, because there are several excellent books an...
Chris Rodda has made a very good video exposing a few lies about the founding of the United States in Kirk Cameron's new film called Mon...
A Rolling Stone article on Bank of America has exposed the incredible immorality and greed of this company. Despite their outrageous crimes ...
If those living in the United States thought their personal privacy was already shot to hell it's going to get even worse. According to ...
The internet was abuzz when on March 14, 2012 Greg Smith wrote a scathing piece about his former employer Goldman Sachs.I've coped it be...
At Truthdig last month Amy Goodman had written an excellent and poignant critique of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. It is titled “Romney’...
I recently had a debate with a pretty annoying Christian not too long ago in the comments section of a post I'd written titled The Bible...
An individual, who called themselves Pat, commented on my post telling my deconversion story. This discussion covered religion a bit, but mo...
At Amy Goodman has written a piece about the emotional stress on people in the military and how the military fails to give aid ...
I came across an article in The American Scholar, by journalist Neil Shea, called Afghanistan: A Gathering Menace. The article exposes the d...
In The Nation magazine Jeremy Scahill exposes Obama's role in detaining an innocent journalist named Abdulelah Haider Shaye.Scahill writ...
There is a new trend occurring in many cities at several movie theaters, airlines, and restaurants: they have banned kids from their establi...
And people say the U.S. isn't an imperialist state. Right....Thanks goes to Juan Cole for posting this.
In December of last year Rolling Stone magazine published a piece by Ari Berman titled GOP War on Voting: AG Holder Joins the Fight. Sadly, ...
Just weeks after U.S. solders burned copies of the Koran, which sparked numerous protests, now another tragedy has befallen the U.S./NATO-oc...
Dear Readers, I've decided to repost my review of The Irrational Atheist for those who may have missed it. No changes have been made. It...
Introduction If you've been paying attention while reading this series it should be clear that the bible gets a lot wrong. From the lack...
Despite Mitt Romney’s rhetoric about his 20% tax decrease for all what his plan actually entails is George W. Bush's tax breaks for the ...
Introduction One of the most common claims about the bible is that it is a moral guide and that within its pages can be found profound knowl...
Dear Readers, I've decided to repost my review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism for those who may have missed it several months ago. ...
Revised on February 24, 2012I came across an article titled For once, Richard Dawkins is lost for words at The Telegraph. The subtitle is th...
An article by Jeremy Scahill exposes how the U.S. backed Saleh regime uses aid from the U.S. government in order to suppress opposition to h...
Last month Dana Frank exposed the disaster created by the U.S. in Honduras by supporting a coup and the brutal regime that replaced the prev...
A new book about atheists and atheism is currently in the works. Chris Johnson, a New York-based photographer, is going around the world tak...
On February 10th, 2012 Rolling Stone published an 84-page document by Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis, a 17-year Army veteran who recently returned...
Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots: A Memoir, by Deborah Feldman Simon & Schuster Hardcover, 254 pages ISBN-10: ...
I noticed that the Carnival of the Godless has been discontinued. I had been looking for another series of posts recently and I ended up goi...
I've been reading a lot of Rothbard's work lately and I am currently reading his massive Man, Economy and State, with Power and Mark...
In a recent virtual interview president Obama claimed that there had been very few civilian casualties due to drone strikes, and that these ...
This is a repost of an earlier blog post. I wanted to repost it because as I predicted I've been getting several illogical Christians do...
Thanks to for the video.
A common argument among Christian apologists is that the gospels are an example of “human testimony,” and can be trusted to be accurate. Thi...
The U.S. isn't the only country where police brutality takes place.... This next video shows a murder by a cop who runs over a “suspicio...
Introduction Most Christian apologists these days do not commonly argue that the bible is scientifically accurate, however, there are some w...
I've become aware of a blog that doesn't like my open challenge and considers my conditions to be an example of question begging. Th...
Introduction I recall when I read the bible for the very first time I was shocked by what I read. I had always heard that the bible was the ...
1. The Bible: An Exposé: Introduction 2. The Bible: An Exposé: A Brief History 3. The Bible: An Exposé: Scriptures Galore 4. The Bible: An E...
Introduction It's a common argument by certain Christians that the bible is an accurate historical record. Some even go so far as to cla...
Most people have a set of beliefs they adhere to that helps guide them in their daily lives. Many people gather these beliefs through religi...
It's actually very simple. Just view the following diagram...(If needed click to enlarge)
Today is a national holiday where we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. On this day we are supposed to honor a man who stood up for equality, fre...
In the last piece about the bible's history I alluded to the fact that there were numerous manuscripts. For the first three centuries of...
Warning: This video is not censored. This is disgusting and aptly demonstrates the immaturity of several of those who seek to join the milit...
As Jaroslav Pelikan, the late Professor of History at Yale University, said, the bible, before it was in written form, was most likely trans...
Several years ago I made an attempt to write an in depth blog post about how reliable the bible is. It was simply titled Is the Bible Reliab...
I have written a lot about this subject in the past but here is another example of the authoritarianism and hypocrisy of the state.As the ab...
This first video depicts a clear misuse of the taser on an unarmed and non-resisting woman. This second video shows a clear case of excessiv...
Happy New Year to all!Is it really 2012 already? The last few years have truly flown by. It sure seems true what they say: time goes by fast...