When I was in elementary school I was in the Cub Scouts. After about a year I got bored with it and quit, but I did have many good time...
The U.N. to Vote on Palestinian Statehood
It's been a long time coming but the U.N. might finally recognize Palestine as a state. This isn't acceptable to Israel or the ...
TAM 2012: "From Particles to People" with Sean Carroll
This is a very interesting talk by cosmologist Sean Carroll.
The Israeli Attack Upon Gaza in Pictures
Courtesy of Glenn Greenwald are two pictures that perfectly sum up the recent attacks by Israel upon Gaza.
Israel's Brutal Attack Upon Gaza
Glenn Greenwald has written a very good piece about the recent attacks upon the Gaza strip by Israeli forces. It mainly focuses on the US...
Google: “Government surveillance is on the rise”
According to a recent Wired article, Google has released “stats showing a rise in the number of U.S. government requests for data on Gmail...
Glenn Greenwald on the Massive Surveillance State
Glenn Greenwald has written a very good article about the sex scandal involving General David Petraeus. He explains how this massive su...
Obama Wins a Second Term: What Will It Mean?
Well, Barack Obama won a victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney yesterday. I do not vote, but if I had, I thought a lot about wh...
The Untold History of the United States
The Untold History of the United States. This is the title to the new 615 page book (not including notes, credits, and index) and the soon t...
The Lucifer Effect – November 2012
This first video is of an event that occurred in Australia in October. Twenty-one year old Laudisio Curti, a Brazilian student who was s...