Glenn Greenwald speaks about America's two-tiered justice system and why he wrote his latest book, With Liberty and Justice for Some: Ho...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
Glenn Greenwald speaks about America's two-tiered justice system and why he wrote his latest book, With Liberty and Justice for Some: Ho...
Introduction I had responded to a ridiculous post at a website called Real Men Have Spoken. The moronic author of that post responded and th...
I've been catching up on the final seasons of Penn and Teller's Bullshit and I just finished season seven. I found out that on the D...
Nearly a year and a half ago a blogger who goes by the name of Makarios wrote a blog post that was so ignorant I blasted him for it. Now, ab...
I've warned people for years about the governments' increasing power grabs. Read it and weep. Literally weep. The bill of rights are...
The war on Iraq was begun on March 20, 2003 and “officially” ended December 15, 2011. After the lies by Bush about Saddam Hussein and weapon...
I was browsing the internet and came across a post discussing David Marshall's book The Truth Behind the New Atheism. At James' Thou...
I read today that the well-known author and opponent of religion, Christopher Hitchens, has died yesterday. He was 62. Hitchens, who had bee...
IntroductionI am at it again. I've set my sights on yet another Christian author who has published one more in a long line of books seek...
Here are this month's picks for police brutality videos. On Democracy Now I learned that after this attack took place three students had...
A statist is defined as someone who favors the “concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized govern...
Introduction A while back I received a comment on my post titled Why I Do Not Support the Troops by a seemingly illogical, hateful, and sexi...
In October of this year I decided to copy a document I'd written titled 10 Errors in the Truth Behind the New Atheism into the Customer ...
Several years ago I recall watching an episode of Roseanne where Roseanne Barr's character was watching a school play featuring her son,...
This was posted to John Loftus' blog Debunking Christianity on July 15, 2010 by Hector Avalos, author of Slavery, Abolitionism, and the ...
I had a discussion about anarchism with Bret who blogs at This discussion took place on November 13th, 2011 ...
The most recent book by noted biblical scholar Hector Avalos is his Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship. In this b...
Today in the early morning hours police arrived at Zuccotti Park in New York with dump trucks in their attempts to clear the encampment of t...
I came upon the work of economist Peter T. Leeson after reading the interesting book The Legal Foundations of Free Markets, edited by Stephe...
IntroductionI have blog posts dedicated to why I became an atheist and an anarchist, but I've never explained in much detail the thought...
I'd like to begin this piece by quoting a protester:Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the peo...
Daniel, who blogs at the Spanish skeptics website called Chile Skeptic, had asked to translate what is probably one of my most viewed posts...
A new study appeared recently that looks to initially show that atheism is linked with Asperger’s syndrome, a type of high-functioning autis...
I found this video called Why I Do Not Support the Troops on Youtube today. It was linked to by a family member whose husband is in the mili...
Why the Bible Cannot Be the Word of God., by Andre JacobsAuthorHouse, 2011Softcover, 107 pagesISBN: 978-1-4567-2276-0At just a little over o...
Dancing is a crime?! Since when?! Here is an example of police misconduct when a cop arrests someone for video taping him. This video showca...
I bought David Berlinski's book The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions and instead of doing a thorough review ...
UPDATE: I have learned that Steven J. Baum and Associates, after these photos were leaked, has went under. Justice has been served. Accordin...
At Occupy Wall Street numerous customers decide to close their Bank of America accounts in protest of the bank's immoral actions. Unfort...
- Revised on July 18, 2012 I hope this series has been informative and clear for all who've decided to read it. My goal with the series ...
I was watching FOX News the other night because I've been curious how they might twist any happenings at the protests that are taking pl...
A while back I discovered the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's Civic Literacy Exam. Having only a high school education and my vast l...
Introduction The following is a refutation of the book by Christian apologist David Marshall titled The Truth Behind the New Atheism: Resp...
In the Beginning...At just seventeen years of age I was thrown into a deep depression due to the teasing I had endured throughout my middle ...
On an older post comparing Statism to Theism (which I've since updated here) I had a good debate with an anonymous fellow who respectful...
I genuinely enjoy debate and discussion, which is one of the reasons why I blog in the first place. Unfortunately, there are those who do no...
Because the mainstream media neglects to cover the protests taking place I thought I would share today's Democracy Now! broadcast so all...
On they've reported a story about Kirk Cameron, co-host of the Way of the Master television series, and about how a picture o...
Dear Readers,I'm considering doing one final book review (of course, there might be more... I've said I would be done in the past bu...
Today is Columbus Day. A day that has become a national holiday. Even though it's somewhat well known what Christopher Columbus did to t...
In a previous post I explained the role of the social contract in a society and looked at some examples of how it might be applied. In this ...
FELLOW ATHEISTS:Many atheists have told their de-conversion stories on their websites and blogs and I've even written about mine right h...
This man was allegedly tasered and beaten for not removing his hat. I liked what this man had to say. I agree entirely. Here, cops arrest a ...
I normally haven’t put any entire news stories by Democracy Now! on my blog but this one I felt was important to see and there may also be s...
This is a talk by NCSE's Eugenie Scott about the similar tactics of the evolution and global warming deniers. This took place September ...
Over at OccupyWallStreet they show video of a cop pepper spraying a group of unarmed, innocent women as they were pinned inside of a police ...
Update 9-22-11: A little over two years after I wrote this post I am horribly saddened and angered to report that Troy Davis has been murder...
The social contract is an idea that's been around for centuries and has been expounded by some of the world's greatest thinkers: Rou...
From,Was There an Alternative? Looking Back on 9/11 a Decade Later, by Noam ChomskyWe are approaching the 10th anniversary of t...
The debate over whether or not morality is subjective or objective is a long one and with this post it is my goal is to explain the reasons ...
The American Civil Liberties Union has recently released a report highlighting the dangers of government on our freedoms since the September...
Since March of 2011 I've been compiling a series of posts I've decided to call The Tao of Arizona Atheist. It is a series that I hop...
I was contacted by a member of the atheist/anarchist band called Beltaine’s Fire. Their style of music isn't quite the kind I listen to ...
The police beat a homeless and mentally ill man to death and refuse to release the tape of the beating, despite much public protest. Here is...
To the vast majority of individuals the above question seems absurd. “Of course we need government,” they argue, and for various reasons. Th...
Thanks to Open Parachute for this one. This is funny!
The Tao of Arizona Atheist is a series that outlines and defends my personal philosophy. The individual posts are written in a specific orde...
It’s been many years since the days of ”Equity,” “Utopia,” and “Modern Times,” Josiah Warren’s planned anarchist communities in the 1800‘s b...
God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales, by Penn Jillette. Simon & Schuster Hardcover, 256 pages ISBN-10: 1...
A Yahoo News article tells how Fox News pulled comments from their online article about their interview with Blair Scott, the American Athei...
I've decided to take a page out of another atheist's blog who had a post asking for any and all to promote their blogs, so with thi...
In this first video it's hard to see it but at approximately 19 seconds into the video you can see the cop on the right side kick the ma...
I am indeed shocked. That was my first thought when I received a notification from David Marshall in the comments that he has addressed my r...
I was notified today of this excellent video by "skydivephil" on YouTube that does a fantastic job of debunking William Lane Craig...
For those of you who can't avoid having to buy a new car after June 1, 2011 will from then on be watched more closely by law enforcement...
This is the second time I’ve been notified by an unknown website claiming that I’ve been one of the chosen out of the thousands of atheist b...
The subject of this Tao of Arizona Atheist is about how Prime is linked to private property and other issues that go along with that, such a...
From Seattle, Washington comes a sad story about a cop, Ian Birk, who brutally shot and killed a partially deaf man for carrying a pocket kn...
Over at David Marshall's blog he's written a series of posts about how Christianity has supposedly raised the status and well-being ...
Joe Hinman, a.k.a. “Metacrock” continues to refuse to publish my comments on his blog when I try to (politely) criticize something he says a...
A group who calls themselves Food Not Bombs was recently arrested in an Orlando park because they lacked the permits “necessary” to be able ...
For the longest time I wasn't aware that there were books by anarchists who answered the many criticisms of anarchism and I've recen...
Now I’ve heard it all. In Maryland the government has decided to fine innocent children because their lemonade stand did not have a vender’s...
I’ve got some good news for all my readers.First, I’ve recently finished my review of The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity ...
The following is an updated and revised version of the original post. I have decided to update it due to new developments and projects that ...
An atheist who goes by the name of “Dr. H” has recently emailed me after I asked him to read my review of David Marshall’s The Truth Behind ...
In 1979 David Aikman wrote his doctoral dissertation titled The Role of Atheism in the Marxist Tradition, where he attempted to lay blame fo...
I’ve just read a news story about an Arizona man who said he lit several fires because of his “duty to god.” From 2, 2011...
Before I get to this month's Lucifer Effect I wanted to restate my reasons for posting these videos. I began this series on August 1, 20...
Back in April I was browsing reviews of Victor J. Stenger’s book The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason when I came across a...
Since I've written one actual review already I thought I'd write another and help promote this excellent book.This latest book by Vi...
Well, it's happened. The “will” of the people was ignored by the greedy government who began using unmarked cars on city streets, and ev...
I was sent an email by the head of a new campaign that seeks to help the victims of the recent tornadoes in Alabama that is located in Tempe...
I found a very good article by Murray Rothbard about the history and role of the government in peoples' lives. While a bit long, this is...
I was surprised when I read Chris Rodda’s Huffington Post piece today where she’s decided to create a free downloadable version of her excel...
I wanted to give everyone a heads up. I recently changed my blog’s setting a bit. I decided to turn off any comment moderation. I believe I’...
Many of my readers are probably familiar with the many reviews I've written refuting and rebutting various theistic authors such as Vox...
It's that time of the month again! In the following video a cop pepper sprays a defenseless squirrel at Kimbrough Middle School in Mesqu...
I came across Thom Stark’s excellent and exhaustive book length review of Paul Copan’s Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testa...
One of the interesting things about being an atheist and anarchist is I have the chance to debate and study both subjects. Because I spend s...
The above statement might shock some, but I believe it’s entirely true. Despite the mountain of propaganda and religious close-mindedness to...
In the last piece I explained what anarchism was and in this third part of the Tao of Arizona Atheist series will explain how my friend Bob ...
Sorry folks but I’ve been very busy as of late and I forgot all about April’s post. Here is a horrible video of a teenager being beaten for ...
In the first piece of this series I looked at the way in which I view atheism and briefly how I became an atheist. Atheism is the first pill...
- Revised on February 13, 2012 Atheism is defined, according to its Greek roots, as the lack of belief in gods: a “without” or “not” and the...
I’ve decided to begin a new series of posts I’ll call The Tao of Arizona Atheist. The tao is a Chinese word that means “the way” so the titl...
In my opinion there is a large error being made my some atheists when they discuss Communism and any role atheism may have played in their a...
The Associated Press via has released information about an incident where a man doused himself in gasolene during a domestic viole...
A few days ago I noted a few comments about me and my review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism in the comments of David Marshall’s blog. I...
I thought I had finally been done with Marshall but I was doing an internet search for any mention of me or my blog and I came across a shor...
In this video a man is savagely beaten by police even though not a single time did he even attempt to “resist” arrest. I also want to make n...
Introduction I think of this book, The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens (BenBella Books, I...
Dear Readers,My review of The Irrational Atheist is 99% complete. The only sections I left for later were the ones dealing with the Crusades...
While I’m finishing up my review of Vox Day’s The Irrational Atheist, I was compelled to write about an argument I’ve read on Vox’s blog and...
Dear Readers,I’ve decided to announce the newest book review I’m currently working on. I’ve got the book The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting ...
Theists ask all the time what it would take for an atheist to believe in god. They argue that we atheists always tear down arguments we don...
Hi all, I’m sorry I haven’t written much lately...I just realized the other day I missed this month’s Lucifer Effect even! The reason is bec...
Someone was nice enough to leave a comment on my post critiquing William Lane Craig telling me that someone wrote in to Craig asking him a...
With it being Martin Luther King Day today and I've been reading King's autobiography I thought I'd write a little bit about my ...
Introduction This review will be a little bit different than the others I've written. God: The Evidence: A Reconciliation of Faith and R...
2010 seemed to go by so fast. I hope 2011 will be another good year. I also have something planned in 2011 for my readers but it’s a surpris...
So far he’s only got two videos up on YouTube but they are entertaining and interesting. I’m curious what other videos he’ll post. Go take a...
Dear Readers,I thank you all who've subscribed to my blog and I'm shocked that at least 58 people (only through Google's Followi...
Happy New Year! I’ll start off this new year on Arizona Atheist with a sad news story about a seventeen year old boy who somehow ended up fa...