Happy New Year!!!I wonder how many innocent people the cops will either murder, beat, or harass this year?Since this is supposed to be a hap...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
Happy New Year!!!I wonder how many innocent people the cops will either murder, beat, or harass this year?Since this is supposed to be a hap...
I was browsing YouTube and came across these videos and found a news story explaining how an atheist sign placed in the Washington state cap...
Amnesty International has released a report citing over 300 deaths since 2001 from the use of tasers and recommends that their use be restri...
Back on November 28th I laid down a challenge to David Marshall and his butt buddy J.R. Fraser at the amazon.com forums. I received no reply...
I just got my subscription to Discover magazine today about the 100 Top Science Stories of 2008 and there were some cool entries. One that p...
I got a comment on my review of David Marshall's book The Truth Behind the New Atheism, accusing me of being anti-religious. I had respo...
This month, I'll give my readers three for one (think of it as my x-mas gift to you). In this first video, this is clearly a pig who has...
Since I'm unable to say exactly what I would like on the amazon.com forums to my critics since I am censored due to the filters, I'd...
Contracts and the act of coercion are the only two ways in which human beings are able to interact with one another. A contract is a written...
HAHAHAHA!!! Yeah right...
Apologetics is bullshit. Yep, I said it. If anyone has read a lot of my writings, I commonly call apologetics the art of bullshitting, or B....
Well, intolerance won...The bullshit constitutional ammendment for Arizona banning gay marriage passed this year.This is just more proof tha...
6 + 8 = 88; 9 + 10 = 4; 55 - 7 = 1; 6 - 4 = A ..........Let's say you're as bad at math as this hypothetical person is. He just hasn...
A recent post at the site Debunking Christianity featured the well known atheist video-blogger, Pat Condell, in which he stated that theists...
From the website chicagoreader.com, John Conroy tells the story of a cop who murders a man; shoots him at point blank range and nothing is e...
This is a recent news article in Newsweek about what science has found regarding paranormal beliefs. I thought it was interesting. Why We Be...
In a post I did several months ago about a pig hitting a fleeing suspect with his car (the video of this incident is the first one shown in ...
I just got done watching that piece of crap "documentary" Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which I got from NetFlix, and it was ...
Earlier this month I posted on the god Delusion and The Truth Behind the New Atheism amazon.com forums my new review of David Marshall's...
I found this funny game at Hellbound Alleee.Have fun!Get the Jesus Dressup! widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox!
I think this goes without saying, since atheism is only the default position in which humans are born and only entails particular philosophi...
I found this story about Rev. James L. Bevel, top lieutenant to Martin Luther King Jr., being sentenced to jail for having sex with his daug...
I read an interesting article at the website Science Daily about fuel being made from sugar and carbohydrates by two independent research fa...
This a notice that my revised review of Marshall's book is finally done.It can be viewed here:The Truth Behind the New AtheismEnjoy!!!
I wanted to let everyone know that I'm currently working on a new revised and updated review of David Marshall's silly little book, ...
I just read a story at Yahoo.com about a 17 year old boy who was arrested for wearing "low pants."Here is the story from the Yahoo...
This video pisses me off - especially the end. These pigs fire (I believe they are) rubber bullets at a peaceful demonstration with no provo...
I think the author of Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism, David Mills, is pretty funny in these ...
I took at personality test at humanmetrics.com and I am an "INTJ."Here are my results:After clicking on the "INTJ type descri...
"Oh, judge, your damn laws: the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them, so what good are they?"-...
I've been thinking lately about how the atheistic arguments against religion being needed for a peaceful society are similar to the argu...
I've been poking around at this site called Atheism is Dead and I can't believe that this group of pseudo-intellectuals seems to ga...
I've been reading the excellent books by Will and Ariel Durant called The Story of Civilization; I am on the first book right now. On pa...
Near my home I saw several people putting up "Vote Yes on Proposition 102" signs. This would amend the Arizona constitution and ma...
From August 31st to September 16th I had two polls that I asked people to vote on:1. Do you think that government is necessary for a peacefu...
This phrase was used in the Transformers movie on one of the evil Transformers who morphed into a cop car.I watched this movie online about ...
Some people still insist that the prison system is an effective and moral solution to the problem of crime, but as I've shown in past po...
I was browsing the Science Daily website and came upon this interesting article which, if I understood it correctly, reminded me of somethin...
With my writing of so many book reviews and other large projects like the Tyranny of the State, and others, I thought I would go ahead and p...
In this second installment of The Abolishment of the State I want to continue the discussion about what to replace the state with. In the la...
From the website rawstory.com, witnesses claim that police brutally murdered a defenseless and unarmed man. Below is the story.Witnesses all...
I had posted this poll a few days ago, but it was later at night and I was a little tired. Well I screwed up the wording and I just realized...
This is an excellent series about the life of Darwin, evolution, and the battle of science and religion, which aired in the UK in August on ...
I came across this article about the horrible Columbine High School massacre and it sheds some light on some popular myths that surrounded i...
Creationism, religion, and other silly beliefs...what's the harm in believing many of these things? Some apologists try the tactic of tr...
I read on the Fox website that a few months ago the government plans on collecting DNA samples of anyone arrested. They also insist on viola...
ScienceDaily (Oct. 18, 2007) — By peering deep into evolutionary history, scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara have dis...
From Democracy Now!, they have posted a sad story about the government going into Iowa and arresting hundreds of immigrants. The following i...
It was exactly a year ago that I wrote my first post for my new blog. A year later, I've amassed 372 posts (not including this one), whi...
Democracy Now! is an independent news source where you can get the real facts, unlike the mainstream media who are just mouthpieces for the ...
This is an audio documentary by Democracy Now! Produced by Amy Goodman and Jeremy Scahill. Mixed and engineered by Dred Scott Keyes. Drillin...
Many christian apologists these days love to claim that Hitler was influenced by Charles Darwin and evolution for his ideas for the attempte...
There is a movie from 1993 that I used to love called Dave, which starred Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver, and there was a scene that is ve...
About a year ago I posted a news story about the republican party sex scandals and today I came across a video about senator Larry Craig...
This is the first in a monthly series of posts in which I will highlight various forms of police brutality and/or abuse of power. I decided ...
Aside from my other post about freedom, and why permission from the government to perform a certain act is not real freedom, I want to talk ...
I've decided to stop the Dumbass of the Month posts from now on and begin posting monthly posts highlighting the many cases of police br...
Power corrupts. We've all heard that saying and we all know what it means, but I think very few realize just how relevant this old sayin...
I was browsing the internet and came across an article that said how the city of Scottsdale, Arizona has collected two million dollars off o...
Anarchism in America is a 1983 documentary about the anarchist movement in america by Steven Fischler and Joel Sucher.I just found out about...
I did a brief report a few months ago on the failure of speeding tickets to deter drivers from speeding, and the fact that speeding is not a...
My friend Bob has posted his white paper exposing many of the tyrannical act of trying to control what people can and cannot do with their o...
Update: In 2010 I finished a revised and much expanded review of this document. The new version officially replaces this older version. The ...
This is a review of David Aikman's The Delusion of Disbelief: Why the New Atheism is a Threat to Your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happ...
I posted some videos last month on police brutality and yesterday in the news I read that the woman is trying to sue the police for ten mill...
I mentioned in a previous post that I was beginning to read and then work on a rebuttal to David Aikman's new book called The Delusion o...
Here is another video from some retard on YouTube, who goes by the name of "philos71."Congratulations! You are Dumbass of the Mont...
I saw this on Yahoo news today and was shocked and saddened. Here is the news story, with a little tribute to Mr. Carlin after.George Carlin...
From a Science Daily article, it's been confirmed that ice has been found on Mars. Below is the story.Phoenix Mars Lander Confirms Froze...
I'm in the process of reading David Aikman's The Delusion of Disbelief: Why the New Atheism Is a Threat to Your Life, Liberty, and P...
Well, what else is new, eh? I found this excellent and very informative video on YouTube by DonExodus2.Here is his video information from th...
I found this video online and was shocked by what I saw. Of course, I've posted worse videos than this but this is a clear violation of ...
This is the first in a series of posts that seeks to enlighten those who are ignorant about the structure of an anarchist society. One of th...
I posted a few videos in an earlier post of some disturbing police violence. I went to look for some more on YouTube and I found some more v...
In good old Easton, Maryland, apparently there is still a dumb law that is still enforced: a man was ticketed for going topless.Here is the ...
Of course I have!!! Well this goes double for this story. I was surfing online and came across this year old story about a couple who got so...
I had posted some about this as an update to the post The Tyranny of the State, Part 2, but I figured I would go into more detail and quote ...
I came upon a website that spoke of a protein that was in the shape of a cross. "Oh great," I thought, "I don't doubt som...
I figure I'd highlight something that's pretty apparent now: David Marshall has lost our "debate." It's been over two ...
I was bored one night so I thought I'd have some fun....
I'm just perplexed about how those in authority come up with the laws that they say we have to obey (Even though most don't even obe...
I found these few clips of some cops using physical violence against innocent people absolutely unnecessarily. In both cases, neither victim...
I recently found a website that tries to explain what we know so far about the origin of life, and the different theories which try to expla...
Here is another goodie from that sad, fantasy land website called godTube.This is a video from some guy who calls himself "michi02....
In this fourth installment of Tyranny of the State, I'd like to discuses the issue of speed limits; why they are not necessary, and expo...
I found this story online the other day about a cop who was speeding - clocked at 159mph - and driving recklessly, but as usual, the guy got...
From the Creationism versus Science web page they have an excellent article about Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs.The article has a lot...
From the Expelled Exposed website they have posted an excellent video explaining how the National Center for Science Education was able to d...
I found this video at YouTube today and thought it was a good video with some good research from what I can tell.
I recently found this interesting video of Acharya S. (a.k.a. D.M. Murdock), author of a fairly recent book called Who Was Jesus? Fingerprin...
As you can probably tell, this third installment of Tyranny of the State is about the War on Drugs, or put more aptly, the War on Innocent P...
I just wanted to let my readers know that if you've read a post and it looked like a picture was missing, it was. For some reason Blogge...
In two Amnesty International documents, they detail more abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be there to 'protect and serve....
It's so ironic that people don't realize the fact that statism is the evil offspring of theism. Why do I say this? Well, look at bot...
I'd like to discuss an issue that upsets me. That issue is the fact that dozens of red-light cameras are going up all over the country. ...
A story I found on MSN.com talks about a letter that Einstein wrote about a year before his death, and in it he mentions his religious view...
From the Amnesty International website, they reported horrendous abuse of transgender, bisexual and gay men and women, by various police age...
I found out that Kenneth Miller, author of the very good book Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between G...
I've recently joined Mojoey's Atheist Blogroll. You can find the list of blogs down and to the right on my blog. I've never real...
The two other posts I've done on taxes, one being The Tyranny of the State, Part 1, I discussed the logical reasons why taxes are, in f...
I was attempting to debate someone named "Regan" on "The Present Truth Forum" at Network54.com, and this christian cowa...
I came upon this article from the website dailymail.co.uk and found this enormous case of hypocrisy.According to the article, last year ...
I was recently on vacation in Hawaii with my wife on our honeymoon, and during some of the downtime on the cruise ship (and the long plane r...
I just wanted to post a note letting everyone know that my friend's blog is finally up and running. He has posted something about the vo...
This is pretty old news, but I just saw this on YouTube, where the new co-host of The View, Sherri Shephard, not only doubts evolution, ...
Here is another of Kelly's posts about an article Dinesh D'Souza wrote called "Atheist Bashing Week", and can be found her...
The following piece, which can be found here, is another of Kelly's responses to Vox Day's book of B.S. called The Irrational Atheis...
In this second installment of Tyranny of the State, I want to discuss the issue of incarceration; it's failure to produce a significant ...
I introduced my readers to these imbeciles in a previous post and I was browsing their site when I read something that was absolutely asinin...
At skeptic.com they finally have the other parts of the Expelled Exposed expose' up. I thought I'd copy these third and fourth part...
This open letter by Richard Dawkins can be found on his website at Richard Dawkin's website.On 18th April, the day Ben Stein's infam...
I was browsing the internet and came upon the new website Atheism is Dead. After looking at it for a few I found that this is actually the n...
I've covered the topic of taxes elsewhere, but I wanted to expand on it some more with this first part in a series of posts that exposes...
I thought I would write one more quick post here about something I've been criticized about. A very few have said I need to change the n...
I found a news story posted at nydailynews.com about a group of New York cops who were being investigated for steroid use, and some could be...
The new movie that's been released called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, is a propaganda piece by intelligent design supporters lyin...
I recently received the following email about a supposed challenge to Richard Dawkins:----- Original Message ----From: Gerry Rzeppa To: ariz...
In this month's Dumbass of the Month post, I'd like to show you a video from some guy named "Charley". He apparently has a...
At least that's what I read in an article today on msn.com. An article called The Endorsement: Self-Delusion: Whoever said honesty is th...
Kelly has finished reviewing chapter two of Vox's book here.Submitted by kellym78 on March 30, 2008 - 2:07am.Starting off chapter two, w...
I found this review (scroll down), and Wilders' movie posted at Acharya S's website. I also was able to copy the movie and I uploade...
I was emailed this funny video today and I thought I would share it here. Enjoy!I tried to upload the video to my blog, but the site was be...
Other than the false claims of the faithful who insist that the bible is completely reliable, there are those who also say that the bible is...
I've discovered a copycat of the wikipedia.org website called Conservapedia.com, and while doing a search on atheism this site popped up...
I found this video from a news piece - a surprisingly balanced, and truthful presentation about the facts of evolution and the distortions o...
Kelly finished her response to Vox's comments in her latest post, here.Submitted by kellym78 on March 22, 2008 - 3:31pm.Alright - I had ...
I was surfing online and came upon a news story about some pigs who hit people with their cars as they were chasing them. Here is the story ...
Kelly's reply to Vox can be found here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/vox_response_1. She posted her reply in the comments section. ...
Edit - 5-20-10: I wanted to edit this post to include some comments in light of my second reading of Marshall's book and the more extens...
Edit - 5-26-10: I wanted to edit this post to include some comments in light of my second reading of Marshall's book and the more extens...
Last week, on the sixth of March at Tempe's ASU Gammage Auditorium, I went to go see Richard Dawkins talk about atheism and religion. It...
Here is another blog post by Kelly, and I'm glad she is taking on Vox's asinine assumptions and wild claims. I honestly don't ha...
Other than the small piece I wrote on Vox Day's book, I found a blog that did a more thorough refutation of his book here. I highly reco...
I got to thinking about the reasons why people worship gods, and I concluded that it's also the same reason why even atheists often wors...
From an article at sciencedaily.com there is new research that could lead to an HIV vaccine.ScienceDaily (Mar. 3, 2008) — A Canada-U.S. rese...
I found this stupid video on godtube.com. I'm not sure who made this video so I can't be specific on who the Dumbass of the Month is...
This is an issue that is tied directly in with the state of Arizona where I live. The "powers that be" have set up boundaries (as ...
Here is another good piece by The Rational Response Squad's Kelly. I was also delighted to see that she is currently reading Vox Day...
This is an article I found at worldfreeinternet.net about evidence that Thomas Jefferson had sexual relations with one of his slaves, and sh...
A friend of mine has often asked me why I write about, and attempt to debunk, the arguments for theism. Why waste so much time debunking som...
This looks like pretty old news, as the paper is dated from February of 2002. But I thought I would post this interesting bit of information...
ATTENTION: I have written a secondary review that supersedes this incomplete, poorly researched, and quite plainly, crappy review. Please vi...
I'm currently working on reviewing, and refuting, a book called The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris...
Edit - 3-22-10: I wanted to edit this post to include some comments in light of my second reading of Marshall's book and the more extens...
I found this surprisingly unbiased and good look at atheists in america, by the normally biased media. This report took place about mid Febr...
Here is another post by Kelly of the Rational Response Squad. It can currently be found here.Submitted by kellym78 on February 18, 2008 - 7:...
EDIT - 3-22-10 - I've decided to add some comments to this post in order to shed some light on this issue. The wonders of 20/20 hindsigh...
I found this audio portion of his show about atheism and what he says makes a lot of sense. Of course, I already knew what he said is true, ...
This second part is currently located here:http://www.rationalresponders.com/damn_right_im_angry_part_twoSubmitted by kellym78 on February 1...
This is another post by Kelly of RRS. It can be found here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/damn_right_i_m_angry_part_oneSubmitted by kell...
You may have guessed from the title of this post that this is a rant about pigs...or as they're commonly called, cops. But I think, out ...
I thought I would write some final thoughts I've been having about my verbal assaults from David Marshall at amazon.com, and just talk a...
I'm so annoyed with David Marshall's attitude and personal attacks, I've decided to do a second installment of Dumbass of the Mo...
Edit - 5-30-10: I wanted to edit this post to include some comments in light of my second reading of Marshall's book and the more extens...
This post is a collection of videos done by someone who calls themselves "potholer54" on YouTube.If the author creates any more vi...
The original article can be found here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/how_to_respond_to_a_supercilious_christian Not all Christians are ...
Recently I added Richard Dawkins' "OUT Campaign" logo to my blog. I plan on getting one of the shirts once it's not back o...
Henry Rollins verbally rips apart proponents of intelligent design in this short clip.
Edit - 3-22-10: I wanted to edit this post to include some comments in light of my second reading of Marshall's book and the more extens...
I just saw on David Marshall's amazon.com blog page, located here, where he mentions me and my review of his book.As usual, Marshall doe...
I recently found, and finished reading, a book from 1966. The name? Whose god is Dead:The Challenge of the New Atheism, by David H. C. Read....
For many people, they simply go through the motions of filing their taxes every year even though they would rather not. I think this topic i...
As I learn more about the topics I write about, one must change and adapt to new facts that are presented. As I state at the top of my blog,...
I was visiting CHADMAC's blog and he linked to an interesting, but scary, site where random quotes of christians are displayed from the ...
My third inductee into my Dumbass of the Month club goes to none other than Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort's side kick in spreading their loo...
Here are two satirical videos by the same author as the previous "Calculate Your God Delusion Index" video.These are pretty funny....
I found this funny video on YouTube. When I took the test I got a big fat zero. Feel free to take the test yourself and see what your score ...
In the several posts I've written about this (See the recent post My Challenge Still Stands), I have so far not gotten one good answer f...
By RRS' Kelly, from http://www.rationalresponders.com/warning...hypocrisy; cognitive dissonance; higher rates of STD infection, teen pre...
My friend, and weight training coach, Bob Clapp, gave me about 50 copies of his book, Every Man and Woman an Island: The Individual Human Be...
Here is another post, from http://www.rationalresponders.com/presuppositionsPresuppositions, Faith, and Reason: Which One is Out of Place He...
Note: This is a notice to let readers of this post know that I've updated this post with more detailed information and evidence. The new...
This blog can be found here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/humans_do_not_need_to_comfort_themselves_with_fairy_talesHumans Do Not Need t...
The challenge that I issued in this post, as well as this one, and so far not one person has even attempted it. I tried to get my challenge ...
Kelly has posted a new piece - this one about the false, and dangerous crisis pregnancy centers. You can find the original post here: http:/...
At the beginning of the month, I posted a challenge to anyone who could give me undeniable proof of the supernatural, and so far, no one has...
Bill Maher and his guests talk about the bible and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:
I just watched the short interview with biologist Neil Shubin on The Colbert Report, and I was very impressed with how well Shubin answered ...
Here is another blog by Kelly of The Rational Response Squad. This article of hers is in response to yet another absurd claim of Dinesh D...
I found this video on YouTube, and thought it was kind of funny, so I'm going to share it. I saved this and every other video which I po...
Here is another good video from the guys who form Extant Dodos Productions. I recently listened to an older radio show they were on from Dog...
I posted this as an update to a previous post I did on Mike Huckabee, but this is important, so I thought it would be wise to place this inf...
Here is another good video which details the many acts of rights violations, lies, and their attempts to gain more power and control over th...
I was browsing the web and found this Tom Cruise video of him discussing scientology. Apparently, the church of scientology issued a copyrig...
On the "Morning Joe" show, they showed a clip of 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee who said at a rally how he wants to put...
I recently rented a good documentary about how the media and government are in bed together; how the media doesn't report on all of the ...
I found this funny satire on YouTube, and wanted to share it. It's similar to the list done at infidels.org, which I did a post on, here...
Sometimes when I think about all of the idiocy and distortions which religion spreads, and I look past my anger about all the dishonesty, I ...
I found a very good debate between Christopher Hitchens and Alister McGrath on google video. This took place in Gaston Hall, in Georgetown U...
Here are a few funny jokes, pictures, etc. that I found while surfing the web. I'm not sure of the actual titles of the jokes, I just na...
I found this sad article, and video (after the article), about the recent horror of preachers who have been taking advantage of the people o...
Kelly has a new post up, which I will repost here.Wow. A whole barrage of nonsense came at us in the past two weeks or so. First off...a man...
I was surfing the net today and came upon these very depressing pictures drawn by some young christians. I have quite a bit to say about the...
I just poked my head in at Ray's blog this morning to see what insane stuff he has written recently, and I found one such thing. In his ...
Occasionally I get people who email me wishing to debate. Most of their arguments are extremely illogical, and just don't make any sense...
I like Bill Maher's show called Real Time with Bill Maher, so I thought I'd post his thoughts on the campaign. I agree with a lot of...
This is pretty old news now, but I thought I would put this up anyway. From a blog on myspace, this video, and story were posted:January 8, ...
I found this BBC documentary on Google and was appalled at what I saw. These people are pure evil, and this is a perfect example which highl...
I just found this funny video of an atheist talking about a Paula Zahn Now show which aired on CNN, January 30th 2007. I like this video blo...
I'm sure there are a lot of people who dislike George Carlin because he is often outspoken about many subjects, but you know what? It...
I found an interesting video on YouTube which talks about this "new atheism" you're hearing about so much from these christian...
In an article I found at Chronicle.com, it says that scientists were tricked into appearing in a pro intelligent design documentary called E...
I found this video on this silly website called godTube and this is a perfect example of the unfortunate indoctrination of children. I find...
Here is another good video I found on YouTube. As you can tell, I like "ExtantDodo's" videos a lot, though, I wanted to comme...
That wasn't my last post at Ray's blog , I just wanted to reply to this ignorant little person real fast. The ignorance, and patheti...
Here are a few websites which are very informative, and have some interesting information on them.1. Iron Chariots.org - This website is ano...
I just posted a comment at Ray Comfort's blog. His posts have just gotten increasingly stupid, and illogical lately. He is simply trying...
Throughout all of my writings, I've done my best to show there is no evidence for a god, and that there are no supernatural occurrences ...
With as much as I hate it when religious people hand out their silly tracts, I found a cool atheist tract at The Atheist Eye. This tract act...
In this post I'm going to cover my friend Bob's first principal of his philosophy, which he calls the primacy of the individual.I wi...
I spoke some about the constitution in my last piece, Anarchism, and stated how the constitution, in reality, doesn't do a damn thing to...
I have been influenced the last few years by a friend of mine who is a frequent writer and anarchist. He wrote a book called Every Man and W...
I found this video on YouTube and thought it was a perfect example of the "power of prayer"!
This blog article I found at a blog called The Blog from Another Dimension and gives further evidence of the persecution of atheists, and no...