If you are practicing a religious belief system, or is someone who is unsure about which side to trust, I suggest going on the internet and ...
Atheist Pride!
I feel a little awkward saying that (atheist pride). I think people should have pride in whoever they are, though because of the bigotry ath...
The Amazing Universe
I am sometimes dumbfounded about so many religious persons' claims that the universe was created by some magical being, and about the mi...
Rebutting the Claims made in the "Big Daddy" Creationist Comic
When I copied the Big Daddy comic for people to see, I wanted to write a rebuttal covering the claims that were made in the comic. Some I ha...
Taking The Way of the Morons (master) to Task: The Evidence Bible Demolished
Preface Today is May 25th, 2010 and I originally wrote this review around this time in 2007. It was the very first book review/refutation ha...
Answering Another Christian's Claims
I found yet another blog, trying to talk down to atheism, yet this guy's ideas are so illogical this kid needs to go and study a lot mor...
Christians: Put Up Or Shut Up!
I've been taking a look at this blog I mentioned in my last post called 'atheism sucks', which is hosted right here on Blogspot....
My Comments About An Illogical Christian's YouTube Video
I was surfing online and found a christian blog called atheismsucks.blogspot.com, and I saw this idiot who made a video claiming that reason...
Is Pat Robertson a Liar?
I did not have a date for this particular piece, but I wrote it around the same time as those other ones. I never did keep up to date on whe...
Terror, Terror Everywhere!
Another old post, this one from 9-10-06. Looks like I finally took a break for that day : )The definition of terrorist in the dictionary is:...
More Bible "Truths"
Once again, another old post, from 9-3-06...damn I was on a roll : ) No wonder I didn't stop.More scientific errors abound and here...
The Lie About Isaiah 40:22
Once again, is another post from my old website, originally written on 9-3-06 (I must have been really busy that day!). This claim I also de...
Ann Coulter is an Idiot
Here is another post from good old Arizona Atheist site, from 9-3-06:INTRO: Before I get to this older post of mine, I'd just like to sa...
Do We Need Religion?
This is an old post I wrote for my old Arizona Atheist website, from 9-3-06.After writing the piece about the "Way of the Moron" I...
Religion Is Just Another Addiction
The above statement isn't a fact, but is what I think is happening here. A friend of mine told me a while back that from his many years ...
REVERSING SCIENCE, by Frank R. Zindler
REVERSING SCIENCEby Frank R. ZindlerThe Probing Mind, April, 1990All things in the universe were created by God in the six days of special c...
Comparitive Religions...minus atheism
This is a pretty funny video comparing the different belief systems in the world. Though I'm confused about why the author of the video ...
Is the Bible Reliable?
A series titled The Bible: An Exposé explores the following facts, along with other truths about the bible, in a much more detailed and orga...
Is Atheism Just Another Religion?
This argument I've heard before, but never really understood. During a recent debate I came across this claim, so I figured I'd go a...
Some More Pictures You May Enjoy
These two pictures I found on the MAD Magaine website, and it was non-copyrighted so I was free to distribute them. I thought they were clev...
Fun with "The Evidence Bible"
I thought it would be funny to change around some things on Kirk Cameron and Ray Comforts' book, The Evidence Bible. : )For my readers...
Funny Atheist Video
I found this video online and thought it was hilarious.
A Letter to Some of My Friends
Let me start with a little background:I met some friends of mine through martial arts in 2004 and we all hit it off very well. Though, as I ...
Why I Have No Religious Beliefs
I have written an updated version of this piece that goes into a lot more detail about my de-conversion of sorts. It can be viewed here.I go...
Why I Am Not a Christian, By Richard Carrier
Why I Am Not a Christian, by Richard Carrier ...
There's a Controversy???
One of the successful tactics of the creationism/intelligent design movement is to spread the lie that there is a controversy among scientis...
The Hypocrisy of the State
NOTE: Before you read this post I'd like to make perfectly clear that these views are not your average "atheist" beliefs. In f...
It's Better Over Here...Sometimes
Once again. here is another blog from 8-26-06, from my old website.I named this post the way I did because I started thinking about why I de...
"The Fool Hath Said In His Heart There Is No god"
This is another old one from my old Arizona Atheist site, from 8-26-06.People who quote this silly phrase have probably never known that the...
The Dark Ages...Part 2???
Here is something I wrote from my old Arizona Atheist website (which has been replaced with this blog) from 8-26-06.A friend and I talk a lo...
Some Great Websites For Those Who Like to Think
The following are some of the best websites I've found which are very good at explaining the truth and facts about atheism, our world, c...
My Perspective On Things
I think I'd like to clarify my position on religion. Because of the clear message I give that religion should be done away with, and fa...
Evolution is a Fact
With all of the B.S. going around about the founding of the country and the place of religion in our country, and especially with the intell...
First Cause???
One of the most used arguments for the existence of god is what caused the universe? Since everything has to have a beginning, there must h...
Is the Bible Really Holy?
This post, along with the last one, are taken from my backup copies of my old website, Arizona Atheist, and were saved in Notepad, and so th...
Evolution Is Only a Theory
I thought that title would catch your eye. No, I haven't lost my mind...I haven't sided with the creationists! I'd like to discu...
"Why is there Something Rather then Nothing?"
This question is used frequently in debates. First of all, you could say, what leads a person to believe that the universe isn't suppose...
The Way of the Moron!
This is a discussion of an episode of Kirk Cameron's show "The Way of the Master." I was just watching the show and turned it ...
What the Religious Right Really Want!
I was reading on the Americans United for Separation of Church and State website some quotes by some of the well known religious right leade...
What is the Meaning of Life?
This question has been asked throughout the ages, and the groups, which try to answer it, are religion and philosophy. Religion clearly has ...
What Do You Believe In?
"What do you believe in, if you don't believe in god?" I'm sure just about every free thinker has been asked this at one...
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian...
10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence ...
Comets Believed to Jump Start Life On Early Earth
From the Stardust project website, samples have been found to contain elements that are essential for life to form. It's been long belie...
About the Holy Bible, by Robert G. Ingersoll - 1894
Somebody ought to tell the truth about the Bible. The preachers dare not, because they would be driven from their pulpits. Professors in col...
Religious Belief and Rationalizations
Religious belief is a funny thing. It's one of the few beliefs that people have in which they require no evidence. But, they say, there ...
How Does One Define and Find Truth?
Truth means different things to different people. Some consider truth pretty much whatever someone tells them, without ever doing any real r...
My Plea to All Believers
My plea to all believers in god is to READ THE BIBLE! To most who read this, this statement is too obvious for me to even bother saying it, ...
Jesus Camp
I just watched the documentary called Jesus Camp that came out at the end of last year. I had heard about it on a website and looked several...
Is America A 'Christian Nation'?
I was looking at websites about the myth that the united states was founded as a christian nation online, and came across this very good art...
Science as Fundamentalism, and Militant Atheism
I was watching a lot of videos on YouTube of Richard Dawkins in a couple different interviews, both here in the states and elsewhere, and on...
What Helped Us is Now Killing Us
The human brain is the most developed of all other species on the planet. It is what enabled the human to outsmart and kill pray and protec...
The Nightline god Debate
I've been pumped up for this debate for a week and just watched the first half of it on the ABC.com website, and I have to say that Ray ...
Consciousness Comes from DNA
I'd like to do more research on this topic, but it looks from the article that these conclusions are valid. This is very interesting...e...
A friend of mine mentioned something interesting once during a discussion about religion. He said if christians really believed in god, hea...
Another "Gap" Is Found
This is old news to anyone who follows the findings of paleontology, but another gap has been found linking water and land dwelling animals,...
The Way of the Moron...uhh... Master: "The Evolution Zone"
This is the way of the master show that I started to watch but couldn't stand to watch another minute, so here I go, braving this insane...
The Pledge of Allegiance: America's Little Hypocrisy, by Steven Schafersman - April, 2003
IntroductionEvery constitutional scholar will tell you that "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, and each ...
Should Schools Teach Both Sides of Mormon History & Genetics? By Austin Cline
Mormon faith is predicated upon a simple and testable idea: ancient Hebrews traveled to the Americas and established here a civilization. Wh...
The Way of the Moron! -Revised and Updated
I originally posted this September of 2006 but I revised it and added some to it, so here is the updated version.9-2-06 - The Way of the Mor...
Exorcism Ends in Man’s Death
I found this article while surfing the web. Man, this is so sad, and yet just another example of the needlessness of religious belief. I f...
The Way of the Master TV Show: Another Review
NOTE:I've decided to add the video to this post so all can more easily see the stupidity of Ray and Kirk.The Way of the Moron: The Beaut...
I just happened to look on the MSN homepage and see an article about this new religion called Scientology. I hadn't heard of this before...
Theism, by Robert Clapp
This is an essay written by my friend and weight lifting trainer. I hope you enjoy his paper; it is very well written, and smacks theologian...
Atheist doctors more likely to care for the poor than religious ones
Found on: http://pressesc.com/news/80931072007/atheist-doctors-more-likely-care-poor-religious-onesSubmitted by Vidura Panditaratne on Tue, ...
The Wedge Document: The Discovery Institute Responds
While looking online for a copy of the infamous "Wedge Document" by the Discovery Institute I came across a PDF file which contain...
Some Good (but scary) Books to Read....
I'm reading a book right now called, Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, by Michelle Goldberg. I'm only starting on ...
Beware the Rise of Christian Nationalism
I'm just about done with the book, The Rise of Christian Nationalism: Kingdom Coming, by Michelle Goldberg. I've been more shocked a...
The New Answers Book, by Ken Ham, and Other Contributors: A Review
This book was written in 2006, edited by Ken Ham, with several other writers. From the looks of the advertisement for the book, I had thoug...
Sylvia Browne’s Biggest Blunder, By Benjamin Radford
I found this article at the following webpage: http://www.csicop.org/si/2007-03/browne.htmlFor all who think that Sylvia Brown is the except...
Welcome to Arizona Atheist!
Welcome to my blog! This is a revised introduction I've put together that's intended to give the reader information about myself and...