This is an interesting read, as it sorts fact from fiction about the hunt for Bin Laden. It's titled The Doctor, the CIA, and the Bl...

The Hunt for Bin Laden and Government Propaganda
Info Post
It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
This is an interesting read, as it sorts fact from fiction about the hunt for Bin Laden. It's titled The Doctor, the CIA, and the Bl...
Glenn Greenwald has written a sobering piece today explaining the facts about why so many nations, particularly Muslim ones, harbor suc...
The World Bank issued a paper a few days ago titled Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must Be Avoided. The report “spells out...
In August of this year it was reported that 20 year old college student Ronald Weekley was skateboarding outside of his home when several po...