Introduction Most Christian apologists these days do not commonly argue that the bible is scientifically accurate, however, there are some w...
The Superiority of Empiricism is Not “Begging the Question”
I've become aware of a blog that doesn't like my open challenge and considers my conditions to be an example of question begging. Th...
The Bible: An Exposé: Superstition and Myth in the Bible
Introduction I recall when I read the bible for the very first time I was shocked by what I read. I had always heard that the bible was the ...
The Bible: An Exposé
1. The Bible: An Exposé: Introduction 2. The Bible: An Exposé: A Brief History 3. The Bible: An Exposé: Scriptures Galore 4. The Bible: An E...
The Bible: An Exposé: Myth or History?
Introduction It's a common argument by certain Christians that the bible is an accurate historical record. Some even go so far as to cla...
Cognitive Dissonance: It's an Epidemic
Most people have a set of beliefs they adhere to that helps guide them in their daily lives. Many people gather these beliefs through religi...
Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy
It's actually very simple. Just view the following diagram...(If needed click to enlarge)
Obama's Hypocrisy
Today is a national holiday where we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. On this day we are supposed to honor a man who stood up for equality, fre...
The Bible: An Exposé: Scriptures Galore
In the last piece about the bible's history I alluded to the fact that there were numerous manuscripts. For the first three centuries of...
Video Depicts Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban
Warning: This video is not censored. This is disgusting and aptly demonstrates the immaturity of several of those who seek to join the milit...
The Bible: An Exposé: A Brief History
As Jaroslav Pelikan, the late Professor of History at Yale University, said, the bible, before it was in written form, was most likely trans...
The Bible: An Exposé: Introduction
Several years ago I made an attempt to write an in depth blog post about how reliable the bible is. It was simply titled Is the Bible Reliab...
Government and Police Hypocrisy
I have written a lot about this subject in the past but here is another example of the authoritarianism and hypocrisy of the state.As the ab...
The Lucifer Effect – January 2012
This first video depicts a clear misuse of the taser on an unarmed and non-resisting woman. This second video shows a clear case of excessiv...
Arizona Atheist: A Year in Review
Happy New Year to all!Is it really 2012 already? The last few years have truly flown by. It sure seems true what they say: time goes by fast...