“You’ll never see the truth as long as you adhere to your dogmatic naturalism!” This, or something very similar I’m sure nearly every atheis...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
“You’ll never see the truth as long as you adhere to your dogmatic naturalism!” This, or something very similar I’m sure nearly every atheis...
I often browse the internet in search of any mention of me on other websites and blogs. I do this simply because people don't always tel...
A few days ago, after inquiring about a few things regarding arguments about physics by a misguided theist, Mr. Stenger sent me a draft of h...
I’m sure you’ve all heard that phrase by Lord Acton, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely,” however I also believe power caus...
Several weeks ago Brennon, from Brennon's Thoughts, attempted to answer the challenge I’ve placed on my blog for anyone to critique my a...
From Photo Radar Scam:We’ve known since they first appeared, but now it’s official: Speed cameras cause bad driving. A recent poll by UK car...
This idea was proposed to me about four years ago by my friend and weight training coach Bob Clapp (you can also view his blog here). He of...
A few years ago I thought I’d have some fun playing around with a simple picture editor I have and I changed around Ray Comfort’s Evidence B...
I’ve gone over the fact several times that taxes are theft but that is not the only way the government steals from you.A few days ago I look...
A few years ago I wrote a piece about the wastefulness of government detailing many of their failures that are only a small part of a very l...
Many theists, including William Lane Craig and other christians, love to argue that the universe had a beginning. The reason they do this sh...
Notice: I've found that since Blogger/Google has updated their video players some of them fail to play so if that is the case I apologiz...