At Tom Rees' blog, Epiphenom, he has written a very good blog post summing up more examples of the research I cited in my review of The ...
William Lane Craig's Arguments for God Refuted
Considered one of the most famous and respected Christian apologists, William Lane Craig is often in atheists' cross-hairs and his argum...
My Blog Post is Featured in the 142ed Carnival of the Godless
My post exposing the historical inaccuracies of apologists who argue that atheism played a role in the Communist atrocities has been accepte...
The Power of Science, Part 8
From I found a fascinating article about the growing of organs in the lab. Another case of science helping man immensely,...
PRIME REVISITED (Science Lends a Helping Hand), by Bob Clapp
Bob's concept of Prime has been one of the most misunderstood concepts. It even took me a few months to "get it" and that was ...
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
This is a documentary featuring Noam Chomsky about the bias and distortion of events and facts that exist in today's media. Even though ...
Palin Wants Bible as Basis for U.S. Law
At the Los Angeles Chronicle it's been reported that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who appeared on the Bill O'Reilly Factor Thursd...
William Lane Craig Refuted: Coming Soon
Hi all! I'm writing to inform you that I'm beginning a new project. Even though I've already written at length about and refuted...
Babies Provide More Evidence of Humans' Innate Morality
I found a fascinating article by Paul Bloom, a psychologist at the The Infant Cognition Center at Yale University at the New York Times webs...
Criminal Injustice: The Flaws & Fallacies of the American Justice System, by Steve Salerno
From is an excellent article outlining many of the problems with the U.S. "justice" system I've covered in the pas...
Another Missing Link Filled in the Origins of Life
At the Emory University blog they report some interesting news about how "scientists have discovered that simple peptides can organize ...
Arizona 'Scameras' to be Taken Down This Summer!
I just read some fantastic news! This summer, July 15th, all interstate speed cameras will be officially taken down and the contract with Re...
Taking Away Traffic Signals & Regulations = Safer Streets
The title to this post must seem shocking, but according to several real-life experiments this is true. When thinking about this, it almost ...
The Lucifer Effect: Special Edition - More Senseless Tasoring
I recently read a story about a young man who was needlessly tasored by a fat ass cop who was apparently too lazy to run after the slim fen...
Are Religious Experiences Evidence for God?, by Ken Pulliam
I was browsing Ken Pulliam's blog today and found an interesting article about how science is able to recreate all manner of religious e...
Police Show Themselves to be Hypocrites Once Again
I came across an interesting piece of news not too long ago when I read how some police officers dirty, hypocritical pigs arrested some inno...
Proof that the Religious Don't Think
I read an interesting study that concluded that when devout theists listened to someone they believed was trustworthy parts of the brain tha...
Brain Stimulation Can Alter Our Moral Judgments, Study Suggests
From, it's been reported that stimulation of certain parts of the brain can influence our moral judgments. Fascin...
The Lucifer Effect - May 2010
In this first video an investigator for the Police Complaint Center goes into a police station in Independence, Missouri and is harassed and...