As if I needed to ram the point home any further: these cameras cause accidents and they are purely for revenue! It's nice to see a news...
Christians + Smear Campaigns = Stupidity in Spades
Ah, those lovely smear campaigns that some people just love to spread about you. No, this post - amazingly enough - is not about David Marsh...
Arizona: Police Report Shows Speed Camera Caused Accident
Again, from Police Report Shows Speed Camera Caused AccidentAnti-photo radar group uses police document to demonst...
Hand Someone Power...Watch Them Abuse It
From the website lists a number of violations, unethical, and illegal activity by those who are supposedly the ones enforci...
My Review of The Making of an Atheist is Featured in the The 140th Carnival of the Godless!
I'm very happy to announce that my latest refutation of the book, The Making of an Atheist, by James Spiegel, is featured in the most re...
Antony Flew, 1923–2010: A Tribute
In this week's eSkeptic, Kenneth Grubbs has written a brief, but fantastic, article about the late Antony Flew whose remaining years wer...
Willfully Ignorant, Shameful, or Just Plain Stupid?
I've come across a blog called Makarios that makes a half assed attempt to argue against the many studies which show that red-light came...
New Social Networking Gadget!
Hi everyone! I've just added a new social networking gadget to the side bar on my blog, which lets you, the readers, choose a variety of...
Obama Calls for the Assassination of an American Citizen?
I've heard this repeated on various news websites, such as and, and I found videos of a Keith Olbermann segme...
Dialogue Concerning Consciousness & Atheism
A few days ago I began to have a discussion about consciousness and the alleged mind-brain dualism with Paul Adams, who owns the blog in Chr...
For those looking for my review of The Making of an Atheist and entered from the following web address...
The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief, by James S. Spiegel: A Refutation
Introduction For the last several years I've made it my mission to refute various books by christian apologists, such as Scott Hahn and ...
Who needs God?, by Tom Rees
I found a fantastic article by Tom Rees, author of the blog Epiphenom in the January/February 2010 issue of New Humanist (Volume 125 Issue 1...
Military Murderers
Recently, a video leaked onto the internet via WikiLeaks shows a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a...
Show Me the Evidence!
I sometimes think back to some of my past experiences debating both theists and atheists about a variety of topics, ranging from morality, r...
A New Review is Coming...
I discovered a new book that recently came out in February of this year called The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief, b...
The Lucifer Effect - April 2010
In this first video it seems that a bystander says something to police responding to a scene. The police then turn their attention to the yo...