Introduction to the Third Edition The following is a third edition of this refutation. When I'd first written this I must admit that I r...
An Update On My Refutation of David Marshall’s 160 “Gross” Errors in The God Delusion
Hi all. A while back I noted in a post that I have been writing a refutation of an essay by David Marshall titled The God Delusion: 160 Erro...
The Lucifer Effect - December 2010
In Orlando, Florida in September an 86 year old man’s neck was broken by a cop who picked him up and dropped him on his head for nothing mor...
News and Updates
Dear Readers,Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope there is a lot of content to keep you happy while I continue to churn out...
A Man Stands Up to the TSA's Molestation
In my my last post I mentioned the TSA's new guidelines for pat-downs and how they are entirely inappropriate, and I'd consider it a...
Opt Out Day: November 24th 2010
At they are announcing a National Opt Out Day where you opt out of having your naked body photographed by TSA agents. If you’r...
Victor Reppert and John Loftus’ Outsider Test for Faith: The Debate Continues
A few weeks ago I was dialogging with Victor Reppert, author of the dangerous idea blog, and he sent me a link to a website that he and John...
A Christian Apologist Asks, “Atheism Doesn't Lead to Immoral Behavior - Or Does It?” No, it Doesn't
At the christian apologist website Rich Deem has written a piece aiming to show that atheists are more immoral than christ...
The Lucifer Effect - November 2010
I read a few weeks ago about a Phoenix, AZ cop named Richard Chrisman who is being put on trial for murder, though that’s not all he is guil...
Victor Reppert and John Loftus’ Outsider Test for Faith
Update: There seems to have been a little mix-up and I was reading the wrong article, but I've since found the correct piece that Mr. Re...
The Truth Behind the New Atheism: A Review: The First Draft with Commentary
IntroductionEarlier today I had posted a post marking the three-year anniversary of my review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism and exposi...
Three Year Anniversary of My Review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism
Three years ago to the day I posted my first review of the christian apologist David Marshall’s book The Truth Behind the New Atheism: Respo...
Cosmology vs. Theology
As I tried to show in my blog post, William Lane Craig's Arguments for God Refuted, science has largely replaced philosophy and as Step...
Technology is Largely Replacing Natural Selection...
In such books as K. Eric Drexler's Engines of Creation and in some of my writings I explain how our scientific advances will shape our e...
A Disturbing New Development
I’ve just learned of some very shocking (no pun intended) and disturbing news...the police very well could have powerful long range tasers t...
The Lucifer Effect - October 2010
In this month’s Lucifer Effect a woman is abused by an unethical cop who, after finding no cell phone (which is why he stopped her in the fi...
Pew Research Center’s 2010 Religious Knowledge Quiz
The Pew Research Center’s most recent survey of religious knowledge was just published and has created a bit of a stir. Atheists are rightfu...
My Thoughts about Phil Plait’s “Don’t be a Dick” Speech at TAM8
I just finished watching Phil Plait’s “Don’t be a Dick” talk at JREF and it got me thinking about how I’ve responded to many christians and ...
Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World? - My Thoughts
I’ve recently watched the DVD starring Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson called Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World? and I m...
Theists Are Scared of Stephen Hawking
I recently found out about Stephen Hawking’s latest book, The Grand Design, and it’s set to be released on the 7th of September. I find it f...
Electronic Strip Searches: Threat to Privacy or Necessary New Step in Security?
"You know those controversial TSA full-body scanners? Well,they are coming to airports here in New York next month.Great. Normally I ta...
The Lucifer Effect - September 2010
In this Lucifer Effect I’m going to do something a little different. Instead of depicting videos of police brutality I’m going to discuss th...
Dogmatic Naturalism?!?
“You’ll never see the truth as long as you adhere to your dogmatic naturalism!” This, or something very similar I’m sure nearly every atheis...
I'm Seeing Double: Arizona Atheist Around the Web
I often browse the internet in search of any mention of me on other websites and blogs. I do this simply because people don't always tel...
The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning, A New Book By Victor J. Stenger
A few days ago, after inquiring about a few things regarding arguments about physics by a misguided theist, Mr. Stenger sent me a draft of h...
Power Not Only Corrupts...
I’m sure you’ve all heard that phrase by Lord Acton, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely,” however I also believe power caus...
A Challenge Answered? ... Not Really
Several weeks ago Brennon, from Brennon's Thoughts, attempted to answer the challenge I’ve placed on my blog for anyone to critique my a...
New Study: Speed Cameras Cause Bad Driving, Increase Crashes
From Photo Radar Scam:We’ve known since they first appeared, but now it’s official: Speed cameras cause bad driving. A recent poll by UK car...
Will Religion Die Out Once We Become Immortal?
This idea was proposed to me about four years ago by my friend and weight training coach Bob Clapp (you can also view his blog here). He of...
Fun with The Truth Behind the New Atheism!
A few years ago I thought I’d have some fun playing around with a simple picture editor I have and I changed around Ray Comfort’s Evidence B...
Another Example of Government Theft
I’ve gone over the fact several times that taxes are theft but that is not the only way the government steals from you.A few days ago I look...
Washington the Wasteful II
A few years ago I wrote a piece about the wastefulness of government detailing many of their failures that are only a small part of a very l...
A New Theory of the Universe
Many theists, including William Lane Craig and other christians, love to argue that the universe had a beginning. The reason they do this sh...
The Lucifer Effect - August 2010
Notice: I've found that since Blogger/Google has updated their video players some of them fail to play so if that is the case I apologiz...
Michael Shermer On “The Pattern Behind Self-Deception”
Michael Shermer's excellent talk from TED 2010 about how our natural ability to detect patterns can sometimes go horribly wrong, which ...
A Challenge Answered...Sort Of
Back in mid 2009 I wrote out a formal challenge to anyone who would care to argue against the many facts and evidence I’ve written about on ...
An On Going List Of My Debates
I love debate. I love pitting my knowledge and intellectual ability against someone else's and seeing whose arguments are stronger. Part...
I’m Featured in This Week's Carnival of the Godless
I’ve been submitting a lot of stuff to the Carnival of the Godless and my back and forth with the former author of Atheims is Dead about the...
Redflex Warns That Speeding Will Get Out of Control Without Cameras
At AZ Central today there is a short puff piece by the mouth pieces of government about the speed camera program that actually cost lives, d...
David Aikman’s ‘The Role of Atheism in the Marxist Tradition’
I was able to upload author David Aikman’s 1979 dissertation and I have posted it at Originally I copied it for my own personal ...
David Marshall Gets His Ass Kicked...Again
I was happy to find a post about that dishonest and jerk of a christian apologist David Marshall at Debunking Christianity today. It’s writt...
In Reality, What Did We Truly Accomplish?
As I mentioned a few months ago, today the speed and I believe red light cameras too will start to come down. Unfortunately, according to Ca...
Defending the New Atheism: Seeking More Sources
Hi all! A few months back I wrote a post titled Defending the New Atheism where I started to compile a list of websites, blog posts, books, ...
A Review of Strobel's 'Case for a Creator' at Daylight Atheism
I recently came across a very long, thorough, and well done review of Lee Strobel's The Case for a Creator. It's interesting reading...
Arizona Atheist Hosted at the Current Edition of Carnival of the Godless
This is just a quick note to let all my readers know that my piece about well-being, atheism and religion has been featured in the most rece...
Liars for Jesus: Will the Lies Ever End?
A number of christians, it seems, just can't help but continuously put their feet in their mouths. The dishonesty of countless christian...
I recently upgraded my account so I could add my entire personal library onto LibraryThing. So far I've added all of my books having to ...
The Lucifer Effect - July 2010
Hello, and welcome to this month's Lucifer Effect! In just a few days, on July 4th, it will be a national holiday and many people will l...
My Arguments Against God Featured in the Latest Carnival of the Godless
My rebuttal to William Lane Craig's arguments for god have been featured in the CoG hosted at The Radula.The author had some nice praise...
Debating Anarchism
Near the end of last year I was emailed by the author of Waging Nonviolence about a piece he wrote about anarchism called Can peace be obtai...
Why Anarchism, Communism and Libertarianism are Pipe Dreams: My Response
I recently came across an article at titled Why Anarchism, Communism and Libertarianism are Pipe Dreams, by Michael Bonanno...
Why I Have No Religious Beliefs - Updated & Expanded
About three years ago I wrote a post of the same name summing up my reasons for becoming an atheist. In this updated post I'm going to t...
Why I Am an Anarchist
A few years ago I summed up the reasons why I am an atheist and I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for why I am also an anarch...
Intelligent Design is Creationism
This article, written on July 12, 2009 is the last in a series of articles dealing with intelligent design. See also Parts One and Two It s...
Intelligent Design: Giving Science a Wedgie
This is part two of a three piece series on Intelligent Design that I wrote back in July of 2009. The first part can be found here. For thos...
What is Creationism and Intelligent Design?
This is an older piece I wrote for another publication back on July 9, 2009. For readers who are unaware of this movement that's been an...
Barton & Beck: The Deceitful Duo
I am subscribed to Chris Rodda's posts on The Huffington Post and she has quite a bit of useful information there. Her most recent artic...
Two of My Book Reviews Are Now Hosted Locally
About a year ago I had decided to create two PDF documents out of two of my favorite book reviews: David Aikman's The Delusion of Disbel...
Carnival of the Godless # 143 Features One of My Posts
The most recent Carnival of the Godless features an addendum I had written for my review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism about the claim...
America: Land of the...Hypocrites?
America is often called the "Land of the Brave" but I do not see much bravery in this country. Why? Because the very principles wi...'s Favoritism Toward Christians
I don't know if this is the case or not for a fact, but as I reported in an earlier post, apparently David Marshall's denigrating po...
Redflex Putting Their Foot in their Mouth
Via CameraFraud it's been exposed in a court case that the speed/red-light camera company, RedFlex, falsified documents and did not have...
Hypocrisy at its Worst
I've often been accused of being a jerk, "immature", etc. by a few theists (ironically by the same ones who started off callin...
The Lucifer Effect - June 2010
Here are this month's police brutality videos. In the following two videos you can clearly see the immense unnecessary violence against ...
More Evidence Against The Making of an Atheist
At Tom Rees' blog, Epiphenom, he has written a very good blog post summing up more examples of the research I cited in my review of The ...
William Lane Craig's Arguments for God Refuted
Considered one of the most famous and respected Christian apologists, William Lane Craig is often in atheists' cross-hairs and his argum...
My Blog Post is Featured in the 142ed Carnival of the Godless
My post exposing the historical inaccuracies of apologists who argue that atheism played a role in the Communist atrocities has been accepte...
The Power of Science, Part 8
From I found a fascinating article about the growing of organs in the lab. Another case of science helping man immensely,...
PRIME REVISITED (Science Lends a Helping Hand), by Bob Clapp
Bob's concept of Prime has been one of the most misunderstood concepts. It even took me a few months to "get it" and that was ...
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
This is a documentary featuring Noam Chomsky about the bias and distortion of events and facts that exist in today's media. Even though ...
Palin Wants Bible as Basis for U.S. Law
At the Los Angeles Chronicle it's been reported that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who appeared on the Bill O'Reilly Factor Thursd...
William Lane Craig Refuted: Coming Soon
Hi all! I'm writing to inform you that I'm beginning a new project. Even though I've already written at length about and refuted...
Babies Provide More Evidence of Humans' Innate Morality
I found a fascinating article by Paul Bloom, a psychologist at the The Infant Cognition Center at Yale University at the New York Times webs...
Criminal Injustice: The Flaws & Fallacies of the American Justice System, by Steve Salerno
From is an excellent article outlining many of the problems with the U.S. "justice" system I've covered in the pas...
Another Missing Link Filled in the Origins of Life
At the Emory University blog they report some interesting news about how "scientists have discovered that simple peptides can organize ...
Arizona 'Scameras' to be Taken Down This Summer!
I just read some fantastic news! This summer, July 15th, all interstate speed cameras will be officially taken down and the contract with Re...
Taking Away Traffic Signals & Regulations = Safer Streets
The title to this post must seem shocking, but according to several real-life experiments this is true. When thinking about this, it almost ...
The Lucifer Effect: Special Edition - More Senseless Tasoring
I recently read a story about a young man who was needlessly tasored by a fat ass cop who was apparently too lazy to run after the slim fen...
Are Religious Experiences Evidence for God?, by Ken Pulliam
I was browsing Ken Pulliam's blog today and found an interesting article about how science is able to recreate all manner of religious e...
Police Show Themselves to be Hypocrites Once Again
I came across an interesting piece of news not too long ago when I read how some police officers dirty, hypocritical pigs arrested some inno...
Proof that the Religious Don't Think
I read an interesting study that concluded that when devout theists listened to someone they believed was trustworthy parts of the brain tha...
Brain Stimulation Can Alter Our Moral Judgments, Study Suggests
From, it's been reported that stimulation of certain parts of the brain can influence our moral judgments. Fascin...
The Lucifer Effect - May 2010
In this first video an investigator for the Police Complaint Center goes into a police station in Independence, Missouri and is harassed and...
More Proof that Red Light Cameras Cause Accidents
As if I needed to ram the point home any further: these cameras cause accidents and they are purely for revenue! It's nice to see a news...
Christians + Smear Campaigns = Stupidity in Spades
Ah, those lovely smear campaigns that some people just love to spread about you. No, this post - amazingly enough - is not about David Marsh...
Arizona: Police Report Shows Speed Camera Caused Accident
Again, from Police Report Shows Speed Camera Caused AccidentAnti-photo radar group uses police document to demonst...
Hand Someone Power...Watch Them Abuse It
From the website lists a number of violations, unethical, and illegal activity by those who are supposedly the ones enforci...
My Review of The Making of an Atheist is Featured in the The 140th Carnival of the Godless!
I'm very happy to announce that my latest refutation of the book, The Making of an Atheist, by James Spiegel, is featured in the most re...
Antony Flew, 1923–2010: A Tribute
In this week's eSkeptic, Kenneth Grubbs has written a brief, but fantastic, article about the late Antony Flew whose remaining years wer...
Willfully Ignorant, Shameful, or Just Plain Stupid?
I've come across a blog called Makarios that makes a half assed attempt to argue against the many studies which show that red-light came...
New Social Networking Gadget!
Hi everyone! I've just added a new social networking gadget to the side bar on my blog, which lets you, the readers, choose a variety of...
Obama Calls for the Assassination of an American Citizen?
I've heard this repeated on various news websites, such as and, and I found videos of a Keith Olbermann segme...
Dialogue Concerning Consciousness & Atheism
A few days ago I began to have a discussion about consciousness and the alleged mind-brain dualism with Paul Adams, who owns the blog in Chr...
For those looking for my review of The Making of an Atheist and entered from the following web address...
The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief, by James S. Spiegel: A Refutation
Introduction For the last several years I've made it my mission to refute various books by christian apologists, such as Scott Hahn and ...
Who needs God?, by Tom Rees
I found a fantastic article by Tom Rees, author of the blog Epiphenom in the January/February 2010 issue of New Humanist (Volume 125 Issue 1...
Military Murderers
Recently, a video leaked onto the internet via WikiLeaks shows a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a...
Show Me the Evidence!
I sometimes think back to some of my past experiences debating both theists and atheists about a variety of topics, ranging from morality, r...
A New Review is Coming...
I discovered a new book that recently came out in February of this year called The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief, b...
The Lucifer Effect - April 2010
In this first video it seems that a bystander says something to police responding to a scene. The police then turn their attention to the yo...
The 138th Carnival of the Godless
As I explained earlier today, there was some kind of problem that prevented me from receiving any of the submissions but Mr. Braden and I go...
Carnival of the Godless? Today?
Today is supposed to be the day I post all of the submissions I receive for this week's Carnival of the Godless, though I've only re...
The U.S. Military "Spreading the Message of Jesus Christ"
Yes, from the mouth of former Congressman Robin Hayes (R-NC), he said that "stability in Iraq ultimately depended on 'spreading the...
War Against the Weak: A Talk by Edwin Black
Most people know about Hitler and the Nazi's campaign against "feebleminded" people and other "undesirables" but how...
Police Can Be Very Stupid Sometimes
I read a story about Tempe, AZ police officer Jared Blanchard who "used his position as an officer to set up dates and have sexual inte...
My Review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism is Featured in the 137th Carnival of the Godless
Over at Melliferax the 137th Carnival of the Godless is being hosted and my review of David Marshall's apologetic work The Truth Behind ...
My Love of Books
I've been collecting books since I was a child; mostly childrens' story books. I did get a Picture Bible once as a gift, I believe f...
Defending the New Atheism
When the so called New Atheists began writing their books about religion in late 2005 and going into 2006 and 2007 atheism officially hit ma...
My Essay at Religious Tolerance
The other day I sent in my review of Answering The New Atheism to for inclusion into their guest post section of the...
Does Religion Cause Sex Crimes?
From the blog Epiphenom the author, Tom Rees, wrote an interesting post about the devoutly religious and sex crimes.Should we entrust childr...
Man Sues Taser International for Injuries
I read a story today about a man who was tasered by police and now suffers from medical problems. He seeks to sue Taser International, the c...
The Lucifer Effect - March 2010
This month I've collected a few videos that are pretty shocking. Regarding the final video with pig Mike Scopa I was unable to find any ...
I'm Featured in the 136th edition of Carnival of the Godless!
The latest edition of Carnival of the Godless can be found at The Barefoot Bum. My submission dealt with theistic vs. secular morality and w...
Well-Being, Atheism, and Religion
It is often argued that a benefit of religion is the physical and mental well being of its adherents, therefore, religion is good and no one...
Morality Research Sheds Light on the Origins of Religion
From Science Daily, here is an interesting piece on recent research by Marc Hauser and others.ScienceDaily (Feb. 9, 2010) — The details surr...
The Power of Science, Part 7
I have just read some exciting news about scientists using stem cells to grow bone in the lab. Why am I so excited? For those who have not r...
Moral Sentiments in the Brain: Empathy as the basis for morality, by Paul J. Zak
At Psychology Today I found an excellent article and video explaining the biological basis for morality I wanted to share. Enjoy! Moral Sent...
My Carnival of the Godless, No. 135 Submission
I've recently been submitting some of my work to the Carnival of the Godless and this I believe is my third submission. It's the rev...
The Science Knowledge Quiz: How Well Will You Do?
Recently I took the Pew Research Center's Science Knowledge Quiz and got 12 out of the 12 questions asked correct, which puts me in with...
The Lucifer Effect - February 2010
It's that time of the month again! Even though it's going to be Valentines Day in two weeks I certainly wouldn't give any love t...
To Bay of Fundie: Thanks for the Kudos!
I wanted to write a quick thank you to Ron Britton, author of the Bay of Fundie blog, for recommending my arguments against god's existe...
An Update & Another Carnival of the Godless Submission
Hi everyone! I've been a bit busier lately and haven't had the time to post as much as I usually do. I am working on a post that col...
An Interview with Arizona Atheist
Someone sent me an email a while back requesting that I give an interview at I finally was able to get to that today. I chose th...
I'm Featured in the Latest Installment of Carnival of the Godless!
I wanted to post a quick note to announce that my refutation of Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker's Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling D...
Rant: ON - Another Smear Campaign???
Yet again, instead of any argument against my positions I am lied about and smeared, this time by the completely illogical "Bruce Bain...
With Friends Like These…, by Kelly W. Patterson
A fellow anarchist found me on BlogCatalog and while looking at his blog (It's very good, please go visit him) I came across a piece he ...
A Wrap Up of 2009
This last year sure went by fast. I was just looking over all the posts I wrote for the year 2009 and it just shocks me how fast the year we...
The Lucifer Effect - January 2010
Wow! It's a brand new year already. I wonder how many people the police will harass and brutalize this year???