An interesting article at explains how, after losing the bullshit argument about the safety aspects of cameras, they're ...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
An interesting article at explains how, after losing the bullshit argument about the safety aspects of cameras, they're ...
I almost didn't want to write this post because I've had it up to here with that slimy and unethical fundamentalist christian apolog...
The 'miracle' of stem cells at work again....
This is PZ Myers' lecture at the Atheist Alliance International 2009 conference in Burbank, CA.
Photo radar has been a huge issue in Arizona the last year and it's the one year mark this month since the state has expanded the camera...
As was reported at recently, it seems that DPS (Arizona's Department of "Public Safety" - which is an oxymoron...
Preface I wanted to add this preface to let the readers in on some of my thoughts during the writing of this refutation. Honestly, to be blu...
I'm very happy about the many kudos I've gotten on my blog and other writings - even once from a christian! I care passionately abo...
Because of the fantastic speed camera systems that have gone up all over the country, and have popped up the last several years in Arizona, ...
This month's Lucifer Effect is a video by, it seems to be, a comedy show with a commentator poking jokes at this very serious and clear ...