The last several months I've reported a few stories about science doing that which false religious hope is said to accomplish - but neve...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
The last several months I've reported a few stories about science doing that which false religious hope is said to accomplish - but neve...
In this second Addendum to my main review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism I will attempt to argue against Marshall's claims about th...
Here in "The Grand-Scam State" it looks as if our rulers will continue to spy on their innocent citizens and not remove the many s...
Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief (also called A Brief History of Disbelief) is a 2004 television documentary by Jonathan Miller which a...
I found a very interesting story over at the Epiphenom blog. This research seems to confirm something I've said before about people who ...
I came upon this show that took place in England I think sometime around January of 2008 that included Richard Dawkins and a host of secular...
I was watching Bill Maher's Real Time and one of his guests was wearing a "I Am Troy" t-shirt. The guest mentioned some about ...
From they recount the incident when pig Bridges McRae of the Memphis police is caught on video beating Duanna Johnson, a tra...
Well, here is yet another horrible case of police brutality. This time, a pig in Texas tased a 72 year old woman for nothing more than using...
From officer acquitted for body slam that broke woman's jawposted by David Edwards and Ron BrynaertAnother day, another ...
At Pharyngula PZ Myers has posted a video created by YouTube user DonExodus2 about Discovery Institute propagandist Casey Luskin and the vid...
At James Bovard's blog he's written an excellent piece about the Obama administration's refusal to be open to the public; a comp...
This is an old article but it deals with a subject I've written about at some length in the past, and that is the evolution of altruisti...
This is a recent post from my friend Bob Clapp's blog. It's excellent, but at the same time very sad.Everyone should listen to its m...
I was watching the Wednesday, June 3, 2009 edition of Democracy Now and their featured story was the recent murder of abortion provider Dr. ...
I just finished going through my 500+ posts (that took a while!) and tagged each of them with various key words that should better allow vis...
A little over a year ago I came upon a group on YouTube called Extant Dodos Productions. They created several very well done videos taking o...
From it's been reported that a breakthrough has occurred in origin of life studies.ScienceDaily (Mar. 1, 2009) — A majo...
From the website[Below is a video of the incident]Missouri: Police Threaten, Detain Motorist for Parking After HoursThe Ne...