The last several months I've reported a few stories about science doing that which false religious hope is said to accomplish - but neve...
A Refutation of The Truth Behind the New Atheism: Addendum II - Slavery, The Bible, and Christianity
In this second Addendum to my main review of The Truth Behind the New Atheism I will attempt to argue against Marshall's claims about th...
Greed Drives Their Revenue Machines
Here in "The Grand-Scam State" it looks as if our rulers will continue to spy on their innocent citizens and not remove the many s...
Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief
Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief (also called A Brief History of Disbelief) is a 2004 television documentary by Jonathan Miller which a...
Anxiety Over Loss of Control Can Increase Belief in God...and Government
I found a very interesting story over at the Epiphenom blog. This research seems to confirm something I've said before about people who ...
Richard Dawkins and "Child Abuse" Part 3
I came upon this show that took place in England I think sometime around January of 2008 that included Richard Dawkins and a host of secular...
Stop the Murder of Troy Anthony Davis!
I was watching Bill Maher's Real Time and one of his guests was wearing a "I Am Troy" t-shirt. The guest mentioned some about ...
The Lucifer Effect: Special Edition
From they recount the incident when pig Bridges McRae of the Memphis police is caught on video beating Duanna Johnson, a tra...
The Lucifer Effect: Special Edition
Well, here is yet another horrible case of police brutality. This time, a pig in Texas tased a 72 year old woman for nothing more than using...
The Lucifer Effect: Special Edition
From officer acquitted for body slam that broke woman's jawposted by David Edwards and Ron BrynaertAnother day, another ...
The Discovery Institute: The Lies They Tell
At Pharyngula PZ Myers has posted a video created by YouTube user DonExodus2 about Discovery Institute propagandist Casey Luskin and the vid...
The Latest Torture Cover-Up Scam, by James Bovard
At James Bovard's blog he's written an excellent piece about the Obama administration's refusal to be open to the public; a comp...
Altruistic Behavior in Green-bearded Lizards
This is an old article but it deals with a subject I've written about at some length in the past, and that is the evolution of altruisti...
This is a recent post from my friend Bob Clapp's blog. It's excellent, but at the same time very sad.Everyone should listen to its m...
Another Anti-Abortion Christian Murderer...
I was watching the Wednesday, June 3, 2009 edition of Democracy Now and their featured story was the recent murder of abortion provider Dr. ...
I've Been Tagged!
I just finished going through my 500+ posts (that took a while!) and tagged each of them with various key words that should better allow vis...
A Spotlight On Extant Dodos Productions
A little over a year ago I came upon a group on YouTube called Extant Dodos Productions. They created several very well done videos taking o...
Origin of Life On Earth: Scientists Unlock Mystery Of Molecular Machine
From it's been reported that a breakthrough has occurred in origin of life studies.ScienceDaily (Mar. 1, 2009) — A majo...
The Lucifer Effect - June 2009
From the website[Below is a video of the incident]Missouri: Police Threaten, Detain Motorist for Parking After HoursThe Ne...