I happened upon this very good website called Stop Sylvia Browne. From the few posts I read the author goes through some readings that were ...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
I happened upon this very good website called Stop Sylvia Browne. From the few posts I read the author goes through some readings that were ...
Rarely have I seen such ignorance and lunacy in one individual. But these two traits are both present in Ray Comfort. Somehow I ended up vis...
I found this YouTube video spoofing the Mythbusters. It's pretty funny.
From CameraFRAUD.com they have just posted a scary story that highlights the potential (and even realized!!!) dangers of these speed and red...
ATTENTION: I have written a final edition that supersedes all other previous editions. Please view this new edition of the review to see my ...
I love to debate. I enjoy the chance to have my beliefs and arguments critiqued because it allows me to see how realistic my beliefs are. If...
Preface I've written a handful of fairly scholarly works attempting to debunk various theistic authors (for example, Ray Comfort, author...
From sciencedaily.com:Stem Cells Replace Stroke-damaged Tissue In RatsScienceDaily (Mar. 9, 2009) — Effective stem cell treatment for stroke...
I just wanted to post a note letting everyone know that my highly acclaimed refutation of David Aikman's Delusion of Disbelief has been ...
40 Million Nonbelievers in America? The Secret Is Almost OutBy Ronald Aronson, Religion Dispatches. Posted May 5, 2009Note: All hyperlinks h...
A recent article at newscientist.com points to some clues to this question.Possible site of free will found in brain07 May 2009 by Ewen Call...
I found this new report at photoradarscam.wordpress.com. They also link to the Arizona Department of Transportation website and I found some...
...But isn't it often said that god is needed for morality, not religion itself? Even the christian authors David Marshall and David Aik...
I was just watching Democracy Now's exclusive broadcast about the New York Times reporter David Barstow who recently won a Pulitzer Priz...
I wanted to post a few police brutality videos that I found.WARNING: The last video has some nudity...some very embarrassing nudity. The guy...
I wanted to post this real fast because of a comment I got on another post today (Big Brother is Watching....). The commenter made a weird s...
At the excellent Atheist Media Blog, the author has posted two videos that really got my attention.First, the propaganda:In a recent FOX new...
A few months ago I wrote about the fact that the many speed and red light cameras were all recording live video 24/7 and how that's a co...
I've written some about the pointless speed limits that are foisted upon us by stupid bureaucrats who ignore research which disproves th...
This is a very old story, from 1991, but I wanted to share it. It's one of the more horrible police corruption cases I've heard.THE ...