From a January 8, 2009 article at The Arizona Republic, it's been reported that 98 percent of ER physicians suspect police brutality whe...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
From a January 8, 2009 article at The Arizona Republic, it's been reported that 98 percent of ER physicians suspect police brutality whe...
When push comes to shove they can't back up their shit.This is exactly what happened recently on Joe Hinman's blog.About a week ago ...
Well, what do you think? Does this look dangerous to anyone; people making right-hand turns during a red light when there are no people in t...
OK, OK so I don't really think speed cameras are literally death traps; they aren't quite that dangerous, but it's been proven t...
That was the theme of a recent debate between Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, and christi...
It's come to my attention that Rich Deem, author of the apologist website, has posted an article titled God of the G...
As I spoke briefly about my feelings and thoughts in a recent post about president Obama and their huge theft campaign, there are hordes of ...
A reader, Kyt Dotson, wrote me and sent me the following video of a pastor of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, Steven And...
I was surfing the web and came across the Atheism is Dead blog where they mentioned my blog and the anarchist symbol I have. The site can be...
I recently came across videos by Chris Rodda, author of the excellent book Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of A...
I found this post at Pharyngula about Antony Flew, a once great philosopher - turned theist (though I've heard he would actually be defi...
Forget prayer and other religious nonsense. Science is the true cure (at least potentially) for most - if not all - our diseases and health ...
I was on a stupid theist's blog reading about why he feels that atheism is not merely a "lack of belief" but is a belief that ...
A few months ago I wrote about Daniel Dennett's speech at ASU's Darwinfest. They mentioned that a video might eventually get posted ...
There are many people who hate the idea of relative morality and try to ground morality upon some basis, but I would argue that they're ...
Many people might wonder why I embrace anarchy (which simply means without "rulers" or government, not without order. That's a...
Here is an excellent video about the virtue of having an open mind (and telling the difference between an open and closed mind) and asking f...
Joe Hinman of the Chrisitan Cadre has attempted to refute the arguments at his blog (
A woman was arrested for nothing more than using her "right" to free speech. From the site Prison Planet:Arrested For Reading The ...