While many Arizona residents were thanking Pinal County sheriff Paul Babeu for taking the initiative and banning speed cameras, it seems tha...
Going for a Drive? Don't Forget Your Sunglasses!
Next time you or a loved one decides to go out driving (especially at night or in another low light situation) in one of the states where th...
Save Someone's Life, Get a Ticket
In one of the most absurd examples of statist bullshit I've ever seen a man actually got a jay walking ticket after suffering serious in...
Daniel Dennett in AZ
I recently went to ASU for a speech by Daniel Dennet for the Darwinfest on February 18th. Dennett's talk was titled "Darwin’s stran...
Communism and Atheism: Revised and Updated
This is a revision of the post I did by the same title back in January of 2008. Since then I've learned quite a bit more about this topi...
Against the Gods: Arguments Against God's Existence
Introduction:It's been my hope to create a blog which attempts to answer a great majority of the claims and arguments put forth by theis...
My Dedication to Truth
For close to ten years I trained as a reality-based martial artist after drifting from one martial art to another for several years. Karate,...
Altruism in Primates and Humans
There is a continuously growing body of research which suggests that morality is an innate trait of human beings and our primate relatives. ...
Thanks for the Kudos!
Here are some of the accolades I've gotten on my refutations of the books The Truth Behind the New Atheism and The Delusion of Disbelief...
Was atheism the cause of 20th century atrocities? by Robert of MakingMyWay.org
I had asked the blogger of the Making My Way blog if I could reproduce his article here (at least I think I did...the comment never showed u...
My Journey into the Christian Cadre Yahoo Group
Several months ago I infiltrated the "secret" Yahoo group of the Christian Cadre, an Internet apologist bunch. During this time I...
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
This is an excellent documentary; I really enjoyed it, and because of that I've been trying my damndest to upload it here so I can shar...
Spies and Lies Abound
In my research into the red light cameras that have popped up everywhere I discovered that not only do they not decrease accidents but they ...
It's a Miracle!
Rationality has actually overridden mindless greed since it looks like Arizona is going to ban the use of speed cameras, according to a rece...
The Lucifer Effect - February 2009
From a Texas news broadcast, they reported on an Austin cop who hit a "suspect" while he was in handcuffs. Surprisingly the cop wa...