Well, science has just landed another devastating blow to those who endorse intelligent design because researchers at the Scripps Research I...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
Well, science has just landed another devastating blow to those who endorse intelligent design because researchers at the Scripps Research I...
I've been reading Phil Zuckerman's newest book Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment a...
I found this very good article by Gregory Paul and Phil Zuckerman. Since I've been reading a lot of Zuckerman's stuff lately (I am g...
From newscientist.com:Dark flow: Proof of another universe?23 January 2009 by Amanda GefterFrom issue 2692 of New Scientist magazine, page 5...
I recently came across this story from December of '08 about Jesse Kilgore, a christian who killed himself, after allegedly reading Rich...
According to a recent article I came across it is a lie.Here is the piece reproduced for my readers:Swindon votes to scrap speed camerasRoa...
Nannyism - "Policies such as mandatory helmet laws and bans on smoking in public places, high taxes on junk food, recreational drug use...
I was surfing the web for reviews of David Aikman's newer book called The Delusion of Disbelief and came upon this forum where it seems ...
I was a little bored one evening (as you can probably tell) so I cooked this up:This has been the first time I've ever written for this ...