I think the author of Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism, David Mills, is pretty funny in these ...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
I think the author of Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism, David Mills, is pretty funny in these ...
I took at personality test at humanmetrics.com and I am an "INTJ."Here are my results:After clicking on the "INTJ type descri...
"Oh, judge, your damn laws: the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them, so what good are they?"-...
I've been thinking lately about how the atheistic arguments against religion being needed for a peaceful society are similar to the argu...
I've been poking around at this site called Atheism is Dead and I can't believe that this group of pseudo-intellectuals seems to ga...
I've been reading the excellent books by Will and Ariel Durant called The Story of Civilization; I am on the first book right now. On pa...
Near my home I saw several people putting up "Vote Yes on Proposition 102" signs. This would amend the Arizona constitution and ma...
From August 31st to September 16th I had two polls that I asked people to vote on:1. Do you think that government is necessary for a peacefu...
This phrase was used in the Transformers movie on one of the evil Transformers who morphed into a cop car.I watched this movie online about ...
Some people still insist that the prison system is an effective and moral solution to the problem of crime, but as I've shown in past po...
I was browsing the Science Daily website and came upon this interesting article which, if I understood it correctly, reminded me of somethin...
With my writing of so many book reviews and other large projects like the Tyranny of the State, and others, I thought I would go ahead and p...
In this second installment of The Abolishment of the State I want to continue the discussion about what to replace the state with. In the la...
From the website rawstory.com, witnesses claim that police brutally murdered a defenseless and unarmed man. Below is the story.Witnesses all...