Aside from my other post about freedom, and why permission from the government to perform a certain act is not real freedom, I want to talk ...

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies
Aside from my other post about freedom, and why permission from the government to perform a certain act is not real freedom, I want to talk ...
I've decided to stop the Dumbass of the Month posts from now on and begin posting monthly posts highlighting the many cases of police br...
Power corrupts. We've all heard that saying and we all know what it means, but I think very few realize just how relevant this old sayin...
I was browsing the internet and came across an article that said how the city of Scottsdale, Arizona has collected two million dollars off o...
Anarchism in America is a 1983 documentary about the anarchist movement in america by Steven Fischler and Joel Sucher.I just found out about...
I did a brief report a few months ago on the failure of speeding tickets to deter drivers from speeding, and the fact that speeding is not a...
My friend Bob has posted his white paper exposing many of the tyrannical act of trying to control what people can and cannot do with their o...
Update: In 2010 I finished a revised and much expanded review of this document. The new version officially replaces this older version. The ...
This is a review of David Aikman's The Delusion of Disbelief: Why the New Atheism is a Threat to Your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happ...
I posted some videos last month on police brutality and yesterday in the news I read that the woman is trying to sue the police for ten mill...
I mentioned in a previous post that I was beginning to read and then work on a rebuttal to David Aikman's new book called The Delusion o...
Here is another video from some retard on YouTube, who goes by the name of "philos71."Congratulations! You are Dumbass of the Mont...