In this fourth installment of Tyranny of the State, I'd like to discuses the issue of speed limits; why they are not necessary, and expo...
Speeding Cops Are Hypocrites
I found this story online the other day about a cop who was speeding - clocked at 159mph - and driving recklessly, but as usual, the guy got...
Hitler's Religious Views
From the Creationism versus Science web page they have an excellent article about Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs.The article has a lot...
NCSE Video Exposes Intelligent Design
From the Expelled Exposed website they have posted an excellent video explaining how the National Center for Science Education was able to d...
Atheist Statistics for 2008
I found this video at YouTube today and thought it was a good video with some good research from what I can tell.
Acharya S. Interview
I recently found this interesting video of Acharya S. (a.k.a. D.M. Murdock), author of a fairly recent book called Who Was Jesus? Fingerprin...
The Tyranny of the State, Part 3
As you can probably tell, this third installment of Tyranny of the State is about the War on Drugs, or put more aptly, the War on Innocent P...
Blogger Problem
I just wanted to let my readers know that if you've read a post and it looked like a picture was missing, it was. For some reason Blogge...
Police Brutality and the "Code of Silence"
In two Amnesty International documents, they detail more abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be there to 'protect and serve....
It's So Ironic....
It's so ironic that people don't realize the fact that statism is the evil offspring of theism. Why do I say this? Well, look at bot...
Say NO to Red-Light Cameras
I'd like to discuss an issue that upsets me. That issue is the fact that dozens of red-light cameras are going up all over the country. ...
Albert Einstein's Religious Views
A story I found on talks about a letter that Einstein wrote about a year before his death, and in it he mentions his religious view...
Injustice! More Abuse at the Hands of Cops
From the Amnesty International website, they reported horrendous abuse of transgender, bisexual and gay men and women, by various police age...
Kenneth Miller on Expelled
I found out that Kenneth Miller, author of the very good book Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between G...
Atheist Blogroll
I've recently joined Mojoey's Atheist Blogroll. You can find the list of blogs down and to the right on my blog. I've never real...
More Thoughts On Taxes
The two other posts I've done on taxes, one being The Tyranny of the State, Part 1, I discussed the logical reasons why taxes are, in f...
The Cowardly Christian
I was attempting to debate someone named "Regan" on "The Present Truth Forum" at, and this christian cowa...
Hypocrisy At It's Best
I came upon this article from the website and found this enormous case of hypocrisy.According to the article, last year ...
The Truth About Freedom
I was recently on vacation in Hawaii with my wife on our honeymoon, and during some of the downtime on the cruise ship (and the long plane r... Is Up and Running
I just wanted to post a note letting everyone know that my friend's blog is finally up and running. He has posted something about the vo...
Dumbass of the Month! May 2008
This is pretty old news, but I just saw this on YouTube, where the new co-host of The View, Sherri Shephard, not only doubts evolution, ...
It's Christian Bashing Week!
Here is another of Kelly's posts about an article Dinesh D'Souza wrote called "Atheist Bashing Week", and can be found her...
The Case Against Science? By Kelly of the RRS
The following piece, which can be found here, is another of Kelly's responses to Vox Day's book of B.S. called The Irrational Atheis...