In this second installment of Tyranny of the State, I want to discuss the issue of incarceration; it's failure to produce a significant ...
Stupid Is As Stupid Does, Part 2
I introduced my readers to these imbeciles in a previous post and I was browsing their site when I read something that was absolutely asinin...
Expelled Exposed, Parts 3 & 4
At they finally have the other parts of the Expelled Exposed expose' up. I thought I'd copy these third and fourth part...
Open Letter to a victim of Ben Stein's lying propaganda, by Richard Dawkins
This open letter by Richard Dawkins can be found on his website at Richard Dawkin's website.On 18th April, the day Ben Stein's infam...
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
I was browsing the internet and came upon the new website Atheism is Dead. After looking at it for a few I found that this is actually the n...
The Tyranny of the State, Part 1
I've covered the topic of taxes elsewhere, but I wanted to expand on it some more with this first part in a series of posts that exposes...
An Attempt to Clear the Air
I thought I would write one more quick post here about something I've been criticized about. A very few have said I need to change the n...
'Roids, Pigs, and Hypocrites
I found a news story posted at about a group of New York cops who were being investigated for steroid use, and some could be...
Expelled Exposed
The new movie that's been released called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, is a propaganda piece by intelligent design supporters lyin...
More Riding on Dawkins' Coattails
I recently received the following email about a supposed challenge to Richard Dawkins:----- Original Message ----From: Gerry Rzeppa To: ariz...
Dumbass of the Month! April 2008
In this month's Dumbass of the Month post, I'd like to show you a video from some guy named "Charley". He apparently has a...