I went to the YouTube page of "HumbleOrthodox", who's videos I refuted ( see these posts: My Response to the video "The ...
Dumbass of the Month! Jan. 2008
I decided to do this one a bit early because I just thought of the perfect candidate: The illogical creator of the "The New Atheism: A...
Dumbass of the Month! Dec. 2007
I've decided to do a Dumbass of the Month from now on, and for my debut of these new posts I'll be doing, I have chosen Ray Comfort ...
Critical Analysis of A Question of Origins
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6:
Critical Analysis of Kent Hovind's Age of the Earth
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
Critical Analysis of Evolution vs. Creation
Part 1: Part 2:
I found a very good article on the many different horrible things that have been done because of the "caring christian missionaries...
A Humorous Talk by Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer is the publisher of Skeptic magazine, and is also the author of several books. Two I highly recommend are: Why People Belie...
The Contradiction of Faith
Faith, as I've defined before, is defined as follows:1. A "firm belief without logical proof" - The Oxford Desk Dictionary an...
Evidence Against the Supernatural, Part 2
This isn't another long piece on debunking the supernatural, I just wanted to address one last claim which I've seen with increasing...
Evidence Against the Supernatural
There are millions of people in the world who have claimed to experience a paranormal, or supernatural event. These range from out of body e...
I Think Ray Comfort is Embarrassed...
I went looking at Ray Comfort's blog, and he says in a comment section how he was only kidding about the use of a banana as evidence for...
Critical Analysis of Way of the Master's Evolution
This video is a critique of the same Way of the Master show ( My Way of the Master Review ) which I have done a rebuttal for, but I like thi...
Critical Analysis of Case for a Creator
Here is another good video, which was also targeted by creationists for copyright infringement, and currently unavailable on YouTube, but I ...
Critical Analysis of Icons of Evolution
I found this video on the Answers in Genesis BUSTED! website (which I listed in my last post) and thought it was very good, and wanted to sh...
Some Informative Websites
I found the following sites while surfing the internet today. They all have some very good articles exposing the creationists, and intellige...
Dan Barker vs. Todd Friel Debate
I believe this debate took place on March of 2006, at least that's what the Way of the Master website says about this debate (unless the...
"What Does god Want?"
I found this interesting video on Youtube. Enjoy!
"WWCND?" This acronym stands for "What Would Chuck Norris Do?" and is a spin off of the famous acronym "WWJD"...
More Stupidity By Ray Comfort!
Wow! When I thought Ray couldn't get any dumber, I find this post at his blog.Here is his post from the above link:Full of Mistakes...
A Talk with "Acharya S" on the Infidel Guy Show
The Reason for the Season....isn't jesus
More Hypocrisy at Ray Comfort's Blog
Just poking around, I was looking at some comments which were posted at Ray Comfort's blog, Comfort Food, and a poster by the name of ...
Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report
I had saved these videos after I saw them for the first time. Absolutely hilarious! I believe these aired on TV sometime in 2005, though I...
Some Other Way of the Master Reviews
Seems as if I'm getting a hoard of angry christians visiting my site, upset that I've put my sights on their idol, Ray Comfort. I th...
As I Shake My Head In Disbelief...
...How can some people be so stupid; so idiotic? Well, one person who clearly lives up to these things is Ray Comfort! Every once in a while...
More Evidence Against Abstinence-Only Programs
I found this new study about the effectiveness of sex education for teens, in delaying sexual intercourse. This is more evidence against the...
My Thoughts About Christmas, December 22, 2007
I used to love this time of year when I was younger. Well, I guess I shouldn't say that because it implies that I don't like this t...
Atheist Version of those Dreadful Christmas Letters, by Edwin Kagin
Are you sick of those sweet, syrupy Christmas letters piously sent out by obviously miserable non-reality grounded people at this time of ye...
I found this really good website. It answers every question about god that one might want answers to. I highly recommend this site!Check it ...
Sharing Some Pictures
I found two pictures I liked while surfing the internet, and wanted to share them.If only we could mass produce this kind of pill...Too bad ...
More Interesting Stories from Discover Magazine
On page 48, of the January, 2008 issue of Discover, the following story is featured:Human Genome Reveals Signs of Recent Evolution, by Jenni...
More Evidence Against the "Design" Argument
I was just reading in the January, 2008 issue of Discover magazine, and in their cover article on the top 100 science stories of the year 20...
god Doesn't Believe in Atheists: Proof that the Atheist Doesn't Exist, by Ray Comfort: A Review
This book by Ray Comfort is copyrighted 1993, and reprinted in 2002, 2005, and 2006, published by Bridge-Logos Publishers.This book, by one ...
Book Review Update!
I'm just about done reviewing Ray Comfort's book, god Doesn't Believe in Atheists: Proof that the Atheist Doesn't Exist. I...
Some Frustrations...
I just don't get it...I feel like a broken record. I refute the same arguments over and over; I refute claim after claim, and yet christ...
A New Book Review Is Coming!
I'm currently hard at work on reviewing Ray Comfort's book god Doesn't Believe in Atheists: Proof that the Atheist Doesn't E...
Occam's Razor
I found this picture from the webpage:http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/12/slice_it_occam.phpIt's pretty funny, and makes a great ...
One Final Post at Ray's Blog
As I mentioned in my other post about Ray Comfort's blog, he didn't approve my comment about his sorry excuse for a rebuttal. It see...
"The Four Horsemen"
I found two very good videos with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens. On September 30, 2007, the four men...
The Birth of a Star...
I found this online, along with several other pictures that were recently taken by NASA. I thought this one was more visually striking, and ...
More of Ray Comfort's Lies
Ray attempted to refute me at his blog again, but once again, he failed miserably. I went to his blog, as of 12-16-07, and he didn't pos...
The Triumph of Reason, by Kelly of RRS
From http://www.rationalresponders.com/the_triumph_of_reason, here is another post of hers.The Triumph of ReasonResponse to Katha Pollitt’s ...
Ray Finally Answered Me...Sort Of
On his blog he wrote:" I'm actually trying to save people from themselves, and people like Ray who spread falsehoods. I'm fight...
Different Areas Of The Brain Respond To Belief, Disbelief And Uncertainty
From the website sciencedaily.com, I found the following article, which mentions some research that Sam Harris, and others, have been doing ...
The Last Ditch Effort
I was thinking earlier how these latest attempts by the fundamentalists and the apologists are simply their last ditch effort to try and res...
Scary Video About Scientology
I found this video on YouTube, and wanted to share it. I'm not certain on how factual it is, however the references looked authentic, bu...
Christian Anti-Intellectualism???
I was just on YouTube and found another video by the guy who did that video I did a critique on, "The New Atheism: A Hatred Reborn...
10 Reasons America is Approaching a Golden Age of Atheism, with David Mills
I'd like to share this very good video of a "pep talk" which David Mills did at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, on Ap...
I Just Got My Honorary Diploma from "Atheist University"
This is only a joke, of course. I was looking at David Mills' website, www.davidmills.net, to look at his recent trip in zero gravity, a...
The Recent Church Shooting
I heard about this, and it's a very sad story. You might be surprised to hear me say that because I'm an atheist, and you probably i...
Pot…Meet Kettle., by Kelly O’Connor, of RRS
Here is another very good piece by Kelly, from http://www.rationalresponders.com/pot_meet_kettleResponse to Bruce Walker’s “The Godless Delu...
More Irrational Comments by the "The New Atheism: A Hatred Reborn" Video Creator
I just got yet another long drawn out argument by the author of that YouTube video, "The New Atheism: A Hatred Reborn", attempting...
Update! Is Ray Comfort Scared???
I wrote a short post about when I wrote a comment on Ray Comfort's blog called Is Ray Comfort Scared??? about when I responded to a post...
My Response to the video "The New Atheism: A Hatred Reborn": The Author Responds
I pretty much just ran through the video, pointing out flaws in it as I went, but here I will try to give a more detailed response, since th...
Is Ray Comfort Scared???
I've been keeping tabs on Ray's blog at raycomfortfood.blogspot.com, and I've been waiting to see if he will attempt to rebut th...
My Response to the video "The New Atheism: A Hatred Reborn"
I found this video on the website YouTube, and this video is by a person who goes by the name of "HumbleOrthodox." The current pag...
Reports Show Evidence of Bush Stifling Scientific Discussion
I just read in the January 2008 issue of of the science magazine Discover, page 37, that "several reports released in 2007 bolstered th...
A Few Final Thoughts...
I was just thinking about the psychology behind why so many religious people spread the distortion of facts as they do. I think every atheis...
More Hate Mail!
I just got two attempted comments by two imbeciles. One was a theist, and the other...get this! They were a theist and a psychic! Well, if ...
I've Been Mentioned at Ray Comfort's Blog!
I feel so honored...really.Ray responded to a comment I made on his blog of his, and this is the post he wrote about me (his blog can be fou...
More Insanity By Ray Comfort
Ray Comfort has his own blog here on blogspot (raycomfortfood.blogspot.com), so I went to pay a visit to see what he had to say. Well, I fin...
The Way of the Master's War on Hollywood
I just went to The Way of the Moron's website and found this completely idiotic campaign to get the movie studios to stop including so c...
Even More Religious Intolerance
I just found this article online and was just dumbfounded. Here, again, is another example of religious people getting upset over a little c...
Bart D. Ehrman Lecture on Biblical Manuscripts
Here is an excellent talk by Ehrman about the many changes that occurred through the centuries in the scriptures. I highly recommend his boo...
The Banana Minister - Evangelizing at it's Worst
I just found one of the dumbest things I've ever seen....This isn't Ray Comfort, but a pastor named CJ. His name rings a bell, but ...
Christopher Hitchens on the "Morning Joe" show, 12-3-07
I found this video of a short interview with Christopher Hitchens talking about his new book, The Portable Atheist , and I felt what he sai...
The Strategies of Christian Fundamentalism, by Joseph R. Kiefer II
I was surfing the internet and found this fantastic article on the methods of coercion and obedience by the christian religion, and the ment...
A Post by RRS's Kelly
Here is a new, and excellent post by the Rational Response Squad. The original article can be found here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/...
More Intolerance by the Religious
I just came upon an article about a new Nicole Kidman movie called The Golden Compass, and how christian groups are calling the film "a...
Atheists in Congress
It's been said by Richard Dawkins, and others, that with the number of people in congress it is statistically impossible for there not t...
Funny Way of the Master Song
I found this funny video on the www.wotmwatchdog.org website, and thought it was really funny. It's clear from this that Todd Friel does...