On the website www.sciencedaily.com, today, I found some very interesting news...Here is the original website:http://www.sciencedaily.com/re...
2008 Presidential Debate B.S.
I just saw a portion of the 2008 presidential debate and the majority of the candidates felt that the bible was the word of god, or at least...
A Few More Funny Comics
Here are a few more comics that I found around the internet. I hope you enjoy!11-29-07:I just found this picture while surfing the web so I...
Could a Mouse be the Source for a Cure for Cancer?
I was reading on the website www.sciencedaily.com, and today there was an article posted about a mouse which had a cancer fighting gene. The...
Let the Kids Decide....
Let the kids decide what they want to learn in their school's science class....If they allow intelligent design in schools, they open th...
New Post by Kelly, of RRS
From http://www.rationalresponders.com/no_faith_in_science, Kelly has written another piece correcting the errors which many people make in ...
NOVA Debate: Miller Vs. Johnson
I was surfing the web and came across this debate between Ken Miller and Phillip E. Johnson on the NOVA website. I looked for any copyright ...
Persecution My Ass!
This piece is about why so many christians feel persecuted. I've been wondering this for quite some time but I have some ideas on why th...
Another Post from "Kelly", from RRS!
This post of hers is from: http://www.rationalresponders.com/two_confused_people_discuss_atheismTwo Confused People Discuss AtheismSubmitted...
Idiots On the Web!
I'm not sure when this was posted, but I was surfing the internet, and came across this very short About.com piece about "Frank Wal...
More B.S. Propaganda by the Discovery Institute
On the Discovery Institute's website they object to the recent PBS documentary called Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial (see my ...
More Way of the Master Dishonesty
I found this Rational Response Squad video on the website Revver.com, and it exposes Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's dishonesty about the...
A Rant: Cellular Phones and Texting B.S.
I was told earlier today that a person was arrested for texting on their cell phone. About a month ago it was made a law in Phoenix, Arizona...
Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial
Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial was a PBS documentary which was shown on November 13, 2007, and told the story of the infamous tri...
Smalkowski Videos
I found these videos on myspace, and YouTube, and they are pretty good. I agree with pretty much everything they have to say, and I just wan...
The World from Their Distorted World View....
I found a blog, right here on blogspot, called "The World From Our Window" (found at http://theworldfrommywindow.blogspot.com/2007...
The Atheist Manifesto
I found this online while doing a search for "atheism" on the internet, and came across this piece. It can currently be found at: ...
New Post from Rational Response Squad's Kelly
Kelly, of the Rational Response Squad, has been writing some very good pieces about various arguments against atheists, and I've noticed...
Humourous Pictures
I found these various pictures while surfing the web one day. Some will make you think, while others will make you laugh. While some will ma...
Dinesh D'Souza's Distortion of History
A short time ago I came upon a debate between Dinesh D'Souza and Christopher Hitchens. I felt that D'Souza's arguments, for the ...
Science May Be Able to Regenerate Limbs in the Future
I was looking at older news stories at the website sciencedaily.com, and came across this interesting story from 2006 where scientists chopp...
More Way of the Master B.S.!
If the bullshit that those at Way of the Master peddle, like those hideous videos, and their books, isn't enough, it looks like the guys...
Republican Party Sex Scandals
This news story is just yet one more gay scandal to rock to republican party. Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Sen. Larry Craig, and the list goes o...