The Collapse of Intelligent Design is a lecture by Ken Miller on the flaws of I.D. This is an absolutely fantastic video, and presents solid...
Fantastic Atheist Video
This video started circulating on the website YouTube about a year ago by an atheist who goes by the name of "zakiechan" on YouTub...
Atheist Discrimination
Discrimination against atheists has been a big problem the last several years. I don't recall hearing from atheists much, if at all, bef...
More Intelligent Design Propaganda
I just saw online, a preview of a new documentary coming out in February of 2008 called Expelled, with the subtitle, "No Intelligence A...
Science Vs. Religion: A Debate
Time Magazine ran a debate between Richard Dawkins (author of The god Delusion) and Francis Collins (author of The Language of God) in their...
New News On Kathy Griffin's "Blasphemy"
In another American Atheists Newsletter, they had more information about the news story about what Griffin said at the Emmys.I've said i...
Pat Tillman Cover Up?
I've read some about this, and had heard the original "official" story a while back about Tillman getting killed by "frie...
Design in the Universe...There's No god Behind It!
Richard Dawkins' book, The Blind Watchmaker, is a wonderful book. It attempts to show (and does) how evolution can account for the appar...
How To Come To Rational Conclusions
While browsing the Rational Response Squad's website [], I came across this article and thought it was...
Liberals' and Conservitives' Brains Are Wired Differently...
I just found this article online, and thought it was very interesting. It is currently located here:
Children and Religion
I don't have any kids of my own (at least not yet), but I've often wondered how I would raise them. I certainly don't want to te...
Christianity In a Nut Shell
Agnosticism and Atheism
The words agnostic and atheist are two words that are very often misused by many people. For the record, I will define, and explain, both te...
My Recent (and Short) Vacation
I just got back from a friend's wedding that took place in Massachusetts, and I had a fun time with my friends. They are the same ones w...
Kathy Griffin and Sally Field On the Emmy Awards
On the Larry King Live show, I saw him talking with Kathy Griffin about her comment about not thanking jesus for her award, and the bad pres...
New Look!
I recently changed the background color to white on my blog. When I would look over the site, it seemed that the white letters on a black ba...
It's A Battle Over "World Views"...Or Is It Really?
I was reading the latest issue of Skeptic magazine, and it's an entire issue about the evolution vs.creationism struggle. It has a lot o...
Creationist Deception Exposed
I found this on the internet while looking up info on the Richard Dawkins tape, in which a creationist video crew set up an interview with D...
Evidence Against Jesus' Existence
There are many people who claim that jesus wasn't a real person, while there are many who do. I've looked at both sides of the debat...
Some Sad News This morning....
I got up this morning and saw on AOL news that soldiers coming home from Iraq are suffering from traumatic brain injury, or TBI. The link wi...
My Comments About An Illogical Christian's YouTube Video: The Author Responds
I just got a comment from the author of that video, and I still don't understand where he is coming from. He claims that I "missed ...
DID JESUS EXIST? by Frank R. Zindler
Here is a good article taken from the website: American Atheist, Summer 1998.Upda...
Here We Go Again...
Well, I got another comment by this immature christian. Don't know why he tries to post comments to my blog when he knows I won't ap...
Sam Harris' Belief in the Supernatural
I've seen some claims by christians saying that all atheists are in "denial" about Harris believing in certain supernatural ph...
Some Funny Magazine Covers from The
LOL Pseudoscience... Not a chance...They don't call it 'pseudo' for nothing (the prefix pseudo is used to mark something as fa...
Well, when I got up today I get another nice little attempted comment by the owner of that 'atheismsucks' blog, and he claims that t...
My Very First Hate Mail! Wooo!
Somehow the author of the blog I wrote about, (called Christians: Put Up Or Shut Up!) at the website, found my po...
Man Cuts Off His Penis "to stop him sinning"
I found this posted on and found the actual website where this news was posted, here:
A Return to Values?
A claim I hear a lot is that society is going down the drain, and america's values are going down with it. They cite teen pregnancy, dru...